The Butcher's Boy by Michael Robb Mathias

Winner of the 2011 Readers Favorite Award (Silver) - Horror/Thriller

The butcher's boy

The Butcher's Boy 
An Award Winning Paranormal/Murder-Mystery/Chiller 

Thirty-one years ago, Buxly the Butcher went to trial for killing his entire family. Now Janet, a newly divorced nurse, has unknowingly purchased the place where it all took place. 

What happens when her eleven year old son and their overprotective Rottweiler learn that the place is haunted by the victims of that grizzly act? Can young Michael fight through the madness and terror to figure out what really happened so long ago? If he does, maybe the tormented souls can be put to rest. If he fails, he just might become one of them. With only the help of his babysitter, a burned out house painter, and his dog, Lucy Fur, Michael is about to try. The problem is, not everyone is who they seem, even the dead. 

***Content Warning: This is NOT the over-gory sort of thrasher-horror novel, but it does touch on some unsettling subject matter and should not be read by the squeamish, the easily offended.

Genre: FICTION / Occult & Supernatural

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Thrillers

Language: English


Word Count: 67,500

Sales info:

The Butcher's Boy has been #1 in Horror at Amazon US and UK, and Top 40 in Thrillers at both stores as well.  In 2011 it won the Readers Favorite Award (Silver Medal) and has a 4.0 star average review rating on Amazon. I normally write fantasy under the pen name M. R. Mathias, but there are 3-5 more novels forthcoming under the Michael Robb Mathias pen name, in the Mystery/Horror/Thriller genres.

This title is also on the Goodreads "Best Unappreciated Books" Listopia.

Lifetime, this title has sold, over 35,000 copies in English.

Sample text:

The door to Michael’s room opened before them and Janet half expected Lucy to come sauntering out, but Lucy wasn’t there.  Once inside Michael’s room, the ghost eased away.

“You must look closely,” the voice was a whisper.  “Michael needs you.”

“Who are you?” Janet asked through chattering teeth.  Her arms were wrapped tightly around herself.

“Emma,” the ghost replied as she hovered over toward Michael’s computer table.  

The table was covered with unorganized piles of printouts and old newspaper clippings about the house and ghosts that Michael had been collecting.  Emma swept her hand across the mess. Paper shuffled and fell to the floor before her.  A stack of the pictures that had been taken at the cabin over the Fourth of July suddenly went flying across the room.  Randomly, they came fluttering down to the floor.  After a moment only two items remained on the open area of the desk beside Michael’s computer.

“You must look closely,” Emma whispered. “Michael’s life depends on it. Billy is evil.”

Suddenly, a loud noise came from downstairs.  It startled Janet and Emma both.  It was the sound of the back door slamming shut.

“Oh no,” Emma turned to face Janet.  Her dire expression melted into one of pure sadness.  “Tommy is coming.”

The ghost of Emma Buxly began to fade away as the sound of heavy feet came pounding up the stairs.

“He’s inside your friend,” Emma hissed.  Before she was gone completely her hand pointed to the two items on the computer table.  “Look closely, if you want to save Michael.”


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Paolo Santini
Already translated. Translated by Leandro Allender
Already translated. Translated by Edgardo André Morales Muñoz

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
