Stealing Three Kisses by Anna Katmore

College girl becomes the center of a bet

Stealing three kisses

Drei Küsse.
Zwei davon muss das Mädchen beginnen – ein Mädchen, das meine Kumpels für mich aussuchen.
Mir bleiben etwas weniger als zwei Wochen.

Wenn ich es schaffe, bekomme ich die begehrte Rolle als Tristan.
Sollte ich scheitern, muss ich trotzdem auf die Bühne … als Isolde in Reizwäsche. Diese Blamage lassen mich die Jungs garantiert niemals vergessen.

Aber die Wette gewinne ich mit links. Zumindest dachte ich das, bis meine Freunde das schräge, neue Nachbarsmädchen als meine Eroberung festlegen. Pippi Langstrumpf in Pink! WTF?!

Ach, und habe ich schon erwähnt, dass ich in all der Zeit nicht mit ihr sprechen darf? Kein einziges Wort!

Genre: FICTION / Romance / New Adult

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Contemporary

Language: German

Keywords: na, romance, love, college, contemporary, bet, love story, students

Word Count: 90000

Sample text:

I BANGED MY head against Ryan Hunter’s shoulder. “Kill me now!”

“Aw, why so tragic, booklover?” Hunter wrapped an arm around me and dragged me through the gate to the soccer field behind our high school. “It’s only for ten weeks. Grab a nice tearjerker, drool over Edward Twilight, and time will fly by.”



“His name is Edward Cullen, not Edward Twilight.” I rolled my eyes. “And I read that one years ago.”

“Right. Whatever.” My team captain, with the teddy bear-brown eyes and roguish half-smile that made girls faint in droves when he walked past, patted my back. “I’m sure you’ll find another great book to keep yourself busy until you can play soccer with us again.”

I cast him a sharp sideways look. “Do you honestly want to know how many books I’ll have to read in that time to keep me sane?”

Ryan grimaced, running a hand through his chaotic, black hair. “Um, no.”

“Five hundred and seven—and then some.” Gah! “I hate Doctor Trooper. How could he do this to me?”

A laugh escaped Ryan. It was typical for him to sound so chilled out. Nothing fazed him, no matter how huge the problem. “Come on, Miller. It’s really not the end of the world.”

“You only say that because you don’t have to sit over there!” I pointed a thumb over my shoulder at the bench on the sidelines. But at the sight of Ryan’s helpless look and shrug, I forced down my frustration. It wasn’t his fault my leg was out of order for the winter season. That was courtesy of a girl player from the Riverfalls Rabid Wolves.

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