Speed Reading: The Ultimate Guide to Speed Reading to Boost Productivity by Juan Knighton

The Ultimate Guide to Speed Reading to Boost Productivity

Speed reading: the ultimate guide to speed reading to boost productivity


Do you want to learn the art of speed-reading to save time and gain more knowledge? Then you have come to the right place!This book will guide you through the intricate and sometimes confusing world of speed-reading and will make it extremely simple for you.

Imagine being able to pick up a novel and read it with in an hour compared to the average person where it takes them several hour intervals that stretch over many days to weeks to finish the same novel.  

You’re about to discover how to attain  comprehension and learn the techniques to read faster and have you flying your way through books at speeds you wouldn’t believe, beating your goals, learning more and better still you will find you have more free time on your hands than ever before.

 everything about identifying personality types, developing techniques for reading people through verbal and nonverbal clues, developing insights about human behavior through diverse psychological theories, and much more. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect from this handy resource of emotional intelligence:

Genre: SELF-HELP / Adult Children of Substance Abusers

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 16768

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Sample text:

Reading is something that we do on a daily basis. Whether its newspapers or books during breakfast or for the daily work commute, or emails, reports, letters, even manuals and instructions for work and at home. For the average or inexperienced reader, taking it all in could take some time. But now, reading could be a new enhanced skill that improves not just your speed of text intake, comprehension, and memory but also an improvement in every aspect of daily life helping you focus better and think logically. Being able to digest all the important information needed in the shortest amount of time possible is an excellent bonus to work ethic and time management.

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