slow cooker: Easy, Healthy and Delicious Recipes (crockpot recipes) by Ranae Peterson

Easy, Healthy and Delicious Recipes (crockpot recipes)

Slow cooker: easy, healthy and delicious recipes (crockpot recipes)


Today, the slow cooker has become a must-have appliance. But many people still struggle to make good use of it. As a matter of fact, the slow cooking process is healthier and adds a great flavor to your meal. By using a slow cooker, you can create simple, healthy meals packed full of flavor and nutrients for you and your family

The most common types of desserts prepared using a slow cooker are fruit-based desserts, dishes such as poached, spiced pears, baked apples with cinnamon, and berry or peach cobblers. The high water content in the fruits are ideal for slow cooking methods, and the slow, consistent heating of the appliance turns hard, crunchy fruits into soft, rich foods that practically melt in your mouth. The addition of spices such as cinnamon and cloves as well as butter helps to make fruits taste rich. Many slow cooker fruit desserts also have a cobbler-style crust, which is a loose pastry crust that crumbles over the fruit and gives the taste and texture of a pie, but with less than half the work. 

Crock pot cooking implies several things, like cooking food over 3 hours, stable cooking temperature and flavor exchange between ingredients. Still, crock pot cooking is perfect because your food will not burn or be over dried and it is great for dissolving the connective tissues like those in vegetables, for example.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 6575

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Sample text:

Prep time: 5 minutes 

 Cooking time: 6-8 hours 


●  Two chicken breasts, cut into pieces 

●  Two cups chicken broth 

●  ½ cup coconut milk 

●  One tablespoon lemongrass powder 

●  One teaspoon garlic powder 

●  One cup green beans 

●  ½ cup red pepper, chopped 

●  ¼ cup cashew nuts 

●  One tablespoon chili powder 



In the instant pot keep all of the ingredients.

 Cook on the slow cook setting for 6-8 hours. 

 Serve with rice. 


 Prep time: 5 minutes 

 Cooking time: 6-8 hours 


●  Two chicken breasts, cut into pieces 

●  Three cups chicken broth 

●  ½ cup rice 

●  ½ cup carrots 

●  ½ cup chopped celery root 

●  1 onion, chopped 

●  Two cloves garlic, chopped 



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