Sip Away Your Wrinkles; Look Younger At Any Age by H. Tim Sevets

Can a simple drink you make in your kitchen really reduce wrinkles like magic? This author says it worked for him, and is working for others.

Sip away your wrinkles; look younger at any age

A Natural Cure for Wrinkles, As Close As Your Kitchen Cabinet?

Can a simple drink you make in your kitchen really reduce wrinkles like magic? This author says it worked for him, and is working for others.

If you're spending a ton of money on anti-aging treatments and creams or pills with little to show for it - Stop! This could be the wrinkle cure you're looking for.

Pump Up Your Body's Own Natural Wrinkle Preventer

Scientists have known for some time why we get wrinkles and develop other signs of age, such as sagging cheeks, as we get older. Our bodies simply stop producing enough of the substance that is required to keep our skin smooth and elastic.

The solution is to find some way of either stepping up our natural production of that substance, or getting it from outside in a form that our bodies can readily use to feed both our skin and the underlying tissues. That's what Sip Away Your Wrinkles is about.

A simple drink you make in your kitchen can have you looking and feeling years younger. The author tells how to prepare and use his anti-aging recipe from a couple of inexpensive, natural ingredients, and explains why it works not only to prevent wrinkles, but to remove existing fine lines and even deep creases.

Although the drink itself is easy and cheap to make, the author goes into much more:

Not Just an Anti-wrinkle Recipe

While the special wrinkle-erasing drink is at the core of this book, you'll also get:

Sip Away Your Wrinkles is less than 10,000 words -- all substance, no filler. And it is so simple that you might be tempted to dismiss it as too simple to really work. That would be a mistake.

The author says: "I urge you to try it, just as I've laid it out. I think you'll learn to your delight that often the simplest solutions for getting rid of wrinkles and looking younger are the most effective."

Maybe you've tried it all when it comes to anti-wrinkle products and treatments. Under-eye serums. Wrinkle creams. Retinol. Exotic exfoliants. Masks. Anti-wrinkle gels and lotions. Hyaluronic acid. Stretch mark ointment (yes, some folks put this on their faces!). Patches ... etc., etc. You know that these cost a lot of money, and often don't give the results you hoped for.

Imagine all this:

H. Tim Sevets has come up with what could be the best way to get rid of wrinkles currently available, a home remedy that is as effective as it is easy and inexpensive.

Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Beauty & Grooming

Secondary Genre: MEDICAL / Alternative Medicine

Language: English


Word Count: 8,660

Sales info:

Best-ever ranking was approximately 20,000 in overall Kindle Store. It fluctuates between that and 95,000. It has been as high as #4 in Health, Fitness & Dieting > Aging > Beauty, Grooming & Style, and is usually between #8 and #15.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Dr. José Pedro Galindo Macías

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
