Self-Discipline: The Ultimate Guide To Beat Procrastination Success, Daily Habits by Markus Omega

(17) The Ultimate Guide To Beat Procrastination Success, Daily Habits and to Become Productive

Self-discipline: the ultimate guide to beat procrastination success, daily habits


This guide will give you a clear understanding of what willpower is in order to help you clearly visualize what you are striving for. This book will help you understand your own personal willpower in order to help further your own achievements

I write this because for the last years, I knew this as well. I've always wanted to do big, crazy things with my life, and it didn't take me long to realize that self discipline was the only thing that was stopping me. I would set a goal, work very hard on it at first- and then fall off track. I failed so many times and really wanted to figure this self discipline thing. I looked at the greats of the world- Steve Jobs, Michael Phelps, LeBron James, and just marveled at their unbelievable, unstoppable work ethic and discipline.

While self-discipline is indeed an essential tool that helps us attain success, prosperity, and abundance, many of us constantly struggle with developing and maintaining self-discipline. To many of us, self-discipline does not come easy and in its pursuit, we often end up confused, disoriented, and demotivated. Not only does this stray us from our goal achievement path, it also makes it difficult to unleash our true potential.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity

Word Count: 6700

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Sample text:

Self-discipline is the ability to control your feelings and overcome your weaknesses. It appears in various forms such as thinking before acting, endurance, finishing what you start doing, restraint, perseverance and the ability to carry out your plans and decisions in spite of obstacles, hardships and inconvenience. Self-discipline can also be consider as the ability to avoid an unhealthy excess of anything that may lead to negative consequences.

Some people think self-discipline is something difficult to attain and requires a lot of sacrifice and effort. Actually, attaining and exercising self-discipline can be quite fun and is not strenuous. 

True self-discipline is not a restrictive or punitive lifestyle as most people think. It is the ability to stay powerful and is an expression of strength, which is vital for achieving your goals and dealing with daily life affairs.

When self-discipline is combined with willpower, it can help you overcome indecisiveness, procrastination and laziness. All these skills make taking action and persevering possible, even if the action requires effort and is unpleasant.

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Already translated. Translated by Carmen Jiménez

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