Self-Discipline: The Power Of Willpower And Achieve self belief and success for life by Joseph Amstutz

(31) The Power Of Willpower And Achieve self belief and success for life

Self-discipline: the power of willpower and achieve self belief and success for life


If you’ve got student loans, credit card debt, mortgages etc. and you feel stressed out by the end of the month when all those bills start piling up, then you know how overwhelming it can be and chances are you’re just like the author who used to ignore them and pretend that everything was fine.

Most people do not realize it, but they possess a lack of self-discipline in the things they strive for. For example, people who have weight loss goals would still binge on junk food (in other words cheat) if they feel eating a small potato chip would not suddenly lead to a bloated figure. Another is how smokers keep making promises on breaking their habit, reverting back after just a few days of nicotine-free lungs. Students themselves need more practice in maintaining self-discipline, particularly in studying for exams and making projects for certain subjects

Self-Discipline Made Easy is the guide you’ve been waiting for. In it we discuss the science behind what makes you want to stay in your comfort zone, hint, it’s not laziness, why you get overwhelmed when you think about your goals, and most importantly how you can overcome these tendencies to become the most productive and efficient version of yourself.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 11970

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Sample text:

Many people associate self-discipline with the decisions a person makes and the actions they perform. While this is a large part of the process, the fact of the matter is that self-discipline starts at the level of imagination itself. The vision or dream you hold in your mind must be just as disciplined as the decisions you make and the actions you perform in order to achieve that vision or dream. Therefore, the very first step to achieving self-discipline is to set clear goals. Only when you have clear goals will you be able to know exactly which path is the one to take in order to reach those goals. When your goals are unformed or unclear in any way, then it becomes almost impossible to know where to start in order to turn those goals into reality.

In order to fully understand the significance of setting clear goals think of it in terms of shopping. If the only decision you make is to go shopping, then there is no real direction regarding where that shopping should take place. What is it exactly that you want to shop for? Until you answer that question, you won’t even know which stores to go to. After all, going to the local mall might sound like a great idea, but if you are shopping for a used car or a dozen eggs, then the local mall is the last place you need to be. This is the problem with not setting clear goals. If you keep your goals unformed or ambiguous then it becomes infinitely more difficult to take the necessary steps to realize those goals. 

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