Self-Discipline: Secrets of Highly Effective People on How to Acquire Habits And business by Stuart Appelbaum

(46) Secrets of Highly Effective People on How to Acquire Habits And business and life balance

Self-discipline: secrets of highly effective people on how to acquire habits and business


There are two simple ways to ease this tension. You must work with God's creation in order to make your declarations become true, or you must stop the prayer. As you choose to continue praying, your mind and body will seek to balance this inequality with the universe by transforming your environment to match your declarations of truth. Sooner than later, you will find yourself taking positive and decisive action that you never imagined possible as your perceptions naturally align with your true reality.

The ability to overcome the urge to accept the invitation to be part of these fun gatherings with friends, and spend that time working on your business plans or staying home with family is self-discipline. Let us assume that you are a senior person in a particular office where people come to you seeking certain favors and tempting you with several juicy offers; your ability to insist that due process be followed at all times irrespective of what you would have gained by giving in to people’s demands is self-discipline. 

You’re about to discover how to develop self discipline and willpower to control your eating and overcome food addiction, binge eating, emotional overeating and food cravings. Research shows that over two thirds of the American population are classified as obese. This worrying trend looks set to continue as the eating habits of the nation creates a rising number of overweight, unhappy and unhealthy people.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity

Word Count: 4952

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Sample text:

With the above in mind, and considering that as William James, a 19th century psychologist observed, “All our but a mass of habits,” nurturing and developing the right habits is very fundamental to being in control of yourself and your life; it’s also fundamental to achieving success.

When talking about self-discipline, we cannot fail to mention habits because essentially, habits are central to everything we do. Think about it this way. Why is that when you try to break your habit of snoozing the alarm or reaching out for a second helping of desert, you only follow through for so long before giving up and going back to the old, negative habit that you know will keep you from waking up early or achieving your weight loss goal?

The answer is simple: you have practiced something for so long that it has become habitual and formed neural pathways in the brain. Since neural pathways are the networks that fire up certain functions, when bad habits form neural pathways, the effect is that it takes a while to overwrite them with new, good habits (which is where the 21 day rules comes in).

When you repeat something long enough, the brain automates this behavior (by forming neural pathways) as a way to reduce the need for conscious-processing power (willpower) for that habit so that it can have more power for the many habits (decisions) you have to make in a day.

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Already translated. Translated by Artur da Conceição Ventura

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