Self-Discipline: Increase Your Inner Strength,Willpower & Self-Confidence with this Guide by Sean Baldwin

(58) Increase Your Inner Strength, Willpower and Self-Confidence with this Guide to Mastering & your best life

Self-discipline: increase your inner strength,willpower & self-confidence with this guide


This book is a solution to your problem. Self-Discipline is the bridge that brings your thoughts and actions together to achieve anything. In order to be successful, you have a set of habits that serve you and propel you toward success. This book is guide to doing exactly that.

Self-Discipline is the skill required to go the extra mile of personal growth and development and it can be easily attained if you will follow the steps mentioned in this book. Developing self-discipline is like developing any other skill. It requires learning, practice and persistence. This book will offer you insights, tips and exercises to achieve a higher level of self-discipline.

Such unfavorable behaviors certainly becomes a habit, and hinders, if not, derails you towards achieving your goals. Preparing and improving yourself through self-discipline is one route to alter your undesirable thoughts and habits in order to alter your life for the better. Yet, if you find yourself in a struggle to accomplish self-discipline, worry not… this eBook would help you overcome your difficulties. 

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem

Word Count: 12953

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Sample text:

Our minds are goal-oriented, and they have a success servomechanism that can be unlocked with self-discipline. If we can set attainable and measurable goals, we can achieve success. So, the first step is to pick your goals. You can set small or significant goals for yourself. If it is a big goal, then find a way to break it down into several smaller pieces. For instance, if you want to write your first novel, your mind can easily be overwhelmed by the idea of filling all those pages and before you know it, a month of telling yourself “I’ll start tomorrow” or “I’ll start when I feel inspired” has gone by. Instead, your initial goal should be to start off small to get the habit started: to write a paragraph a week, for example. What you’ll find with small goals like this is that sometimes you will only write that paragraph, but some days you will write more. As apposed to setting aggressive goals, falling short and breaking the chain of success. When you see that you can achieve these small goals, you will find that your mind becomes addicted to the completion of your small daily goals. The idea is to condition your mind to believe that it can achieve what it wants. When you can witness the success and positive results, it will want more. When you have successfully reprogrammed your mind, you form a positive association with the completion of tasks.

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