Self-Discipline: Develop Willpower and Motivation to Live a Successful Life (Mental Toughness) by Peter Hiatt

(43) Develop Willpower and Motivation to Live a Successful Life (Mental Toughness)

Self-discipline: develop willpower and motivation to live a successful life (mental toughness)


The power of tiny decision in our daily life affects our personality and productivity. When we discipline our self starting from small decisions we can enable to have a bigger plan and vision. 

This book covers all the information you need to know about mental toughness. Mental tоughnеѕѕ iѕ like gооd food оr gооd wеаthеr - it оftеn mеаnѕ many diffеrеnt thingѕ to mаnу diffеrеnt people. Like mеntаl trаining, реаk реrfоrmаnсе trаining, and ѕроrtѕ рѕусhоlоgу, the words аnd pictures that these tеrmѕ connote аrе inсrеdiblу diverse. Dеѕрitе thе broad range of dеfinitiоnѕ, mоѕt соасhеѕ and athletes аlikе аgrее that a fаirlу соmmоn definition iѕ thе athlete whо iѕ аblе tо соmреtе to thеir full potential in thе big gаmеѕ thаt соunt the mоѕt - nаmеlу the playoffs - rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf the diѕtrасtiоnѕ they mау еnсоuntеr. 

Through a systematic approach, one can train the mind to behave in the way one wants. Self-control, the sibling of self-discipline, comes through constant application only. Here in this book, we will learn how to take these vital steps to develop willpower and achieve motivation for a successful life. You will also hear about the difficulties one encounters when one begins training and the methods of overcoming these problems. 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 5272

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Sample text:

As with time management, the benefits of stress management really come down to how you decide each situation can and will be handled. Having a job can often mean that someone has already predetermined what is necessary when high stress events happen while you are at work. These decisions are not a choice that you are allowed to make for yourself. If for some reason you disagree with the prescribed solutions this can create stress for you. By being self-disciplined you allow yourself to prioritize you. Personal feelings, goals, and obligations can be at the forefront of how you choose to deal with any form of stress.

While example is work related, keep in mind that stress management is one category that permeates all facets of your life. Having the opportunity to be self-disciplined can lead to much better stress management because you will be able to see the areas that can use improvements and make those changes accordingly. By being able to manage what stresses you and how frequently you deal with those particular issues allows you to maintain your poise and drive to push past the hardships and reach your fullest potential.

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