Self-Discipline: Develop Harness Boost Willpower, Master New Skills, and Achieve Your Goals Faster by Hugh Tzanetos

(49) Develop Harness Boost Willpower, Master New Skills, and Achieve Your Goals Faster

Self-discipline: develop harness boost willpower, master new skills, and achieve your goals faster


This is all stated in simple language with easy to do examples of how to strengthen your mind. The reader can go over the exercises and repeat them until they become ingrained in the brain and are second nature in a way that is very simple and practical. Nothing in this book is based on faith. All is based on practice, training and simple hard work broken down into simple easy steps that the reader can do and if something is too hard at one stage, it is always possible to go back and practice a previous step before embarking on something harder.

Self-Discipline Blueprint through Inspirational Based True Stories will motivate and show you how these influential, successful people have done when the disappointment, discouragement, mental wrestling come. Their stories and experiences will empower your inner strength. 


This book is not just another philosophical kind of book that waxes eloquence about self-discipline, but it will actually give you concrete steps and action plans so that you can reach an impressive level of self-discipline.

What are you waiting for? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the buy now button to begin the journey to the life of your dreams!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 7033

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



Minimum estimate - 30 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $63 per month

Maximum but not limited to - 60 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $126 per month

Annual Earnings per book - Minimum Estimate - $63 * 12 = $756 per year.

Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.


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Sample text:

 A quote from Lgnatius “Hope and pray as if God will take care of all and act as if everything depends on you.” The same principle applies to luck. Many of us think luck has a lot to do with success or failure in life. If we succeed, luck favored us and if we fail, luck was against us. The difference between ordinary people and successful people that they feel good luck plays some part in their success, but they don’t wait for good luck or think about bad luck. They act as if success or failure totally depends on them. If they succeed, it’s because they worked hard and if they fail, the hard work wasn’t sufficient. One thing they don’t do is wasting time thinking what bad things might happen to them. Learn from them and put all your effort into making things happen, not worrying what could happen.


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