School Work by Dan Ringo

A Collection of Essays on Improving Facilities Management in K12 Settings

The only book that discusses improving facilities management in K12 settings

School work

Let’s move on to analyzing the benefits of implementing a uniform policy for facilities employees. Well, for starters, you will not have any issue in repeating where you work! However, for most people, it sounds like an extreme way of disregarding your wish to talk about the occupation.

So, what does the verdict say?

Well, it says that before deciding to implement a change that your best bet would be to evaluate your options thoroughly. After all, employee satisfaction is what will result in the improved performance, so you need to make sure that you’re keeping their best interests at heart. Let’s look at why they’re commonly regarded in the positive light;

“The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country”- Robert Baden-Powell

Genre: EDUCATION / Administration / Facility Management

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / Administration / School Superintendents & Principals

Language: English

Keywords: facilities management

Word Count: 16000

Sales info:

Book sales both paperback and audio have been strong. The audio version has done exceptionally well. 

Sample text:

Let’s move on to analyzing the benefits of implementing a uniform policy for facilities employees. Well, for starters, you will not have any issue in repeating where you work! However, for most people, it sounds like an extreme way of disregarding your wish to talk about the occupation.

So, what does the verdict say?

Well, it says that before deciding to implement a change that your best bet would be to evaluate your options thoroughly. After all, employee satisfaction is what will result in the improved performance, so you need to make sure that you’re keeping their best interests at heart. Let’s look at why they’re commonly regarded in the positive light;

“The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country”- Robert Baden-Powell

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by João Henrique Manfrin
Already translated. Translated by Sebastian Quiroga
Author review:
Sebastian is amazing and professional. I have found my translator!

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