Promises Lost by Ann Jacobs

Love triumphs over loneliness, isolation from family and friends

Promises lost

When Shana Green first revealed her deepest fantasy to "Bear" Dahoud, he not only indulged her sensual yearnings but fulfilled her every desire, and the two fell madly in love. But once they married and settled into his villa on the Persian Gulf, Bear grew progressively more distant and left Shana hungry for more. Deciding she could no longer tolerate his prolonged absences and emotional distance, Shana took her broken heart and returned to her Texas home.

Bear, still desperately in love with Shana, is stunned by her departure and desperate to end the growing emptiness in his heart. Realizing that the only true love he has ever had is in jeopardy, he decides the only way to win her back is to recreate the magic of their first passionate days together.

Surprising Shana in Texas, he sweeps her away and vows to hold her captive as long as necessary, until she is his once again. Even as the damage of their separation threatens to break them apart for good, he indulges Shana and himself in every imaginable pleasure, waging a sensual battle to reclaim the love of the one woman who once and always captured his heart.

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Contemporary

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Short Stories

Language: English

Keywords: fantasy with BDSM elements, married couple on verge of divorce, two different worlds, billionaire oil families, passionate reunion

Word Count: 20,000

Sales info:

This series has been a bestseller as well as its novels having won several awards.

Sample text:

“You may leave me, my darling, but you will always be mine. My slave, forever enslaved by the love we share.”

The words he had said so fiercely to her had the power of Allah’s truth. He knew it in the tears that she shed, the ache and fury in his heart. But still, she had boarded the plane. Now the words echoed off the tarmac, mocking him as the plane sped down the runway, taking away the woman who meant more to him than life.

All he had left of her now was the fine white jet trail that lingered against a brilliant Kuwaiti sky. And she’d taken his heart as well as their two little girls. Dahoud el Rashid tightened his fists, because if he hadn’t, he’d have plowed them into the nearest person, place, or thing to cross his path. It made no sense. He controlled the lives of thousands who depended on his oil companies for their living, but it seemed he was unable to control his wife—the only one who actually mattered.

She’d insisted he no longer loved her. That he constantly put not only his business but also his ongoing search for relatives missing since the Gulf War ahead of their marriage. She’d told him it nearly killed her every time he made forays across the border, searching for his cousin Jamil and other Kuwaiti officers who’d been missing and presumed captured since the Gulf War had ended ten years earlier.

“I can’t live like this anymore, in constant fear that I’m going to get a phone call to tell me you’re dead or missing. And I can’t stay here for months on end, not able to communicate with anybody but the girls while you’re away. Daddy’s company has a plane leaving for the States tomorrow. I’m getting on it and taking the children home. To Houston. You’re welcome to come visit them anytime you’d like.”


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Daniele Giuffrè
Already translated. Translated by Rafael Costa de Almeida
Already translated. Translated by Alesa Acosta

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
