PROFOUND “70% Gorilla, 30% human” HANDSTANDS! by Rahul Mookerjee

13 BRUTAL variations on the handstand that will get the entire upper body JACKED!

Level #3 in our handstand progression courses.

Profound “70% gorilla, 30% human” handstands!

Are YOU wondering why the bodyweight exercise guru as I’ve been called wrote this little course?Are YOU wondering why with three BESTSELLING courses on shoulders “Shoulders like BOULDERS!” , “Battletank SHOULDERS!”, and “FAQ” course on it – I felt the need and urge to put out one more?Are YOU wondering just what the heck else can be done handstand wise other than what I’ve mentioned in those above course?Well, my friend, I’m not even getting started.As I warm up to write Lumberjack Fitness on a Saturday afternoon, my daughter and I decided to do THIS book first.Yes, my daughter truly is the Universe speaking to me.I love her so much! She is the best thing that ever happened to me … (so much for tough guys not having emotion huh? I’ve changed plenty of diapers in the past too!).But anyway, as I warm up for that book - - that one is going to be HUGE, I did my brief mini workout to recharge after the initial writing was done.(that book should be out a month or so after this one, so it says).And while doing it, I got one of those profound realizations.One of those “cute little” ideas I’ve been putting off for a while, but the time is right NOW.And therein was born this course.If you thought what I gave you in Battletank Shoulders was tough, wait until you do the workouts in THIS book. (and the exercises themselves).If you think “just 11” - - well, think on my friend, but these 11 might just leave you spanked for the rest of your LIFE even if you did nothing else.And if you’re thinking “handstands again!” spot on – I’m Mr Handstand Pushup and “Pull up Champ Papa”, and a super stud at both.And I want YOU, the reader to be the same!And that, my brother or sister, is why I wrote this course.These are variations on the handstand that can be done in less than 5 minutes flat, and the exercises will leave your entire body hammered.Yes, even legs and core and lower back.You’ll lose weight like no-one’s business on these workouts. Your traps will feel like they’ve been put through the wringer. Your arms and grip will be sore for days. Your chest will be “packed” and bulge even more!And you’ll build gorilla like lumps of muscle along your entire upper back.You’ll even work the HAMSTRINGS with these exercises.And the feet.Most of all, you’ll feel like a bazillion bucks, and if there was one reason to get this course, it is just that!Believe me, brain fog and other “annoyances” will fade away. You’ll start to focus like a LASER BEAM on whatever it is you’re doing, and …… well, we’ll get into benefits below, but … first … (and getting back to it) I wrote this because these workouts variations are a must do for any serious trainee, and they will build some serious and solid lumps of muscle, strength (real strength) and HEALTH – from the inside out.More BENEFITS - Build BARNSTORMER like shoulders with the routines in this course.These workouts are so advanced they will literally turn you into an ape i.e. 70% GORILLA, and 30% human.Build a grip like a VISE and a core that is made of STREAMING STEEL with the workouts herein. • You’ll truly be a STUD in the gym – and a super STUD in the bedroom too. Think I’m kidding? Well, trust me – when you hold yourself up side down and workout, the blood flow to the entire core gets things moving in a way they haven’t been for YEARS – both internally and externally if you get my drift. • Your testosterone levels will shoot through the roof. • A clear mind and a sense of sang froid “feeling on top of the world” that CANNOT be beat by any other exercise. 

And much more. Get this NOW, my friend.You would be a fool not to!

Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Men's Health

Language: English

Keywords: build strength, handstands, handstand pushups, massive shoulders, upper body strength, massive arms

Word Count: 6276

Sales info:

Going great guns on Amazon and my own site. 

Sample text:

Dear Friend, and fellow “extreme” (or really, even “any”) REAL trainee -


Are YOU wondering why the bodyweight exercise guru as I’ve been called wrote this little course?


Are YOU wondering why with three BESTSELLING courses on shoulders “Shoulders like BOULDERS!” , “Battletank SHOULDERS!”, and “FAQ” course on it – I felt the need and urge to put out one more?


Are YOU wondering just what the heck else can be done handstand wise other than what I’ve mentioned in those above course?


Well, my friend, I’m not even getting started.


As I warm up to write Lumberjack Fitness on a Saturday afternoon, my daughter and I decided to do THIS book first.


Yes, my daughter truly is the Universe speaking to me.


I love her so much! She is the best thing that ever happened to me … (so much for tough guys not having emotion huh? I’ve changed plenty of diapers in the past too!).


But anyway, as I warm up for that book - - that one is going to be HUGE, I did my brief mini workout to recharge after the initial writing was done.


(that book should be out a month or so after this one, so it says).


And while doing it, I got one of those profound realizations.


One of those “cute little” ideas I’ve been putting off for a while, but the time is right NOW.


And therein was born this course.


If you thought what I gave you in Battletank Shoulders was tough, wait until you do the workouts in THIS book. (and the exercises themselves).

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Marco Villalobos
Author review:
As with his work on the last book he worked for me on "Battletank Shoulders" - Marco has done superb work on this book as well! Great job, and he made sure to pay attention to the "small details that really make a difference" such as page breaks, line spacing etc - so the final work was very easy to proof. Thanks again Marco - much appreciated!

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
