Productivity: The Ultimate Guide to Increasing Your Productivity And Ways to Beat Procrastination by George Rivas

The Ultimate Guide to Increasing Your Productivity And Ways to Beat Procrastination

Productivity: the ultimate guide to increasing your productivity and ways to beat procrastination

This book will provide you with effective strategies and tips for building productivity habits that will consistently move you toward your goals. How habits work, how to form good habits in just a few steps, how to identify the causes and triggers of bad habits and replace them, habits of successful people, how to set your goals and priorities, how to stop procrastinating and multitasking, and much more!

Your productivity refers to your output or in simpler words, how much you can produce or give in a certain period. For instance, your productivity at work refers to your efficiency and your contribution to the company’s output. If your productivity is high, then you are contributing a good amount to the company’s overall productivity, but if you are inefficient and have a low output, then you won’t be of much benefit to your company.

In this technological age of smartphones and interesting gadgets, it’s easy to get lost and find yourself stuck in the muck of the worn out rat race where dreams and passions go to die. It takes a conscientious effort to stay the course and get things done. This requires an unwavering effort.

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Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: time management, time management for busy people, time management for women, time management productivity, small business, procrastination, productivity

Word Count: 5220

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Sample text:

The relationships here refer to the amount of sharing you engage in with other people. Ladies for example, can be more efficient at dealing with stress because they are good at sharing problems. Men on the other hand tend to try to fight alone, so it may be very easy for them to get stressed.


Emotional intelligence on the other hand refers to the rationality of an individual. If you are fond of taking life ‘too seriously’ or overreacting, then the chances of finding yourself in stressful situations are very high.


Some people are genetically angry. It just runs in their family, while others have a long history with stress, meaning they get upset easily, even by some of the most mundane aspects of life. Finally, your individual worldview will grossly affect the stress levels you generate. For instance, if you take life as it comes, you will find fun in even the most stressing activities or happenings in your life.


An example of this might be that the power is down for a week or so in the summer. While many will spend time worrying about the food rotting in the fridge and the inconvenience of having to live a stone-age life in the information age, some people will donate all groceries to homeless people, and go camping right behind the house! Obviously, the camping mentality will make everything so much more fun, while maintaining the convenience of home. A lot of what you will learn in stress management is how to keep track of how seriously you take life!


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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Juan Carlos Sotillo

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