Paelo diet: Easy Recipes For Healthy Mind And Fast Weight Loss by Chef Taylor

Easy Recipes For Healthy Mind And Fast Weight Loss

Paelo diet: easy recipes for healthy mind and fast weight loss


There is no one diet that is perfect for every single person on the planet. If, after listening to this book, you decide that the paleo diet may not work for you, that's okay. Many people have had wonderful results by eating paleo. Other people have had equally great results from different diets. It's all about finding what works for you.

The Paleo diet is inspired by the diet of our ancestors during the caveman era. Supported by medical and scientific research, the diet is all about eating healthy foods and staying away from processed foods and artificial sweeteners. It takes you back to the days of our primitive ancestors who did not have to worry about diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

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Genre: COOKING / Beverages / Bartending

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Allergies

Language: English

Keywords: paleo, paleo diet, paleo diet for beginners, paleo diet recipes, paleo diet meal plan, paleo diet for athletes, keto diet, low carb diet

Word Count: 3990

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Sample text:

The paleo diet is named for the Paleolithic period. The paleolithic period started 2.6 million years ago and only concluded 10,000 years ago. This period encompasses almost 95% of human history, meaning that it also contains the vast majority of human evolution. Why does this matter? The answer is simple: did humans change a lot of that period? Of course! Have humans changed very much since the end of that period? Most certainly not. During the entirety of this stretch of human history, our ancestors lived the lifestyle of hunter-gatherer tribes that can still be found in various isolated stretches to this day. Most of their time was spent gathering plants, fishing, hunting, and occasionally scavenging the kills of other animals. They ate a lot of vegetables, including tubers and roots, as well as fruit, nuts and various seeds. Fossil records tell us that those who lived near water (almost all) consumed a large amount of seafood and shellfish. Many also garnered a large percentage of their protein from grass seeds and insects. 


The last 10,000 years have brought many changes in the structure of human life. With the development of agriculture came increased grain consumption and a reduction in variety. Instead of eating nature’s seasonal bounty, we began to eat what was easiest to grow and harvest. Our previous plethora of roots and tubers has been reduced to two types of potatoes and a single species of bean. We lack the micro and macro nutrients present in our previously eclectic diet of various greens. The human body has not changed much in the last 10,000 years, and thus our dietary needs have not changed either. Rather than eating in a diet created to by our industrial lifestyle, the paleo diet is about eating the way our body

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