Minimalism: Lifestyle Techniques an Easy Step-By-Step Guide by Mary Jessen

(9) Lifestyle Techniques an Easy Step-By-Step Guide

Minimalism: lifestyle techniques an easy step-by-step guide


Minimalism is an idea that can be used for good living. It is a tool that leads to blissful liberation from whatever fear has come to plague the human population over time. It also offers freedom from the very world we have created about ourselves as consistent consumers. It allows us to stop worrying about everything. We have a choice to take control of our lives and become fulfilled.

The Minimalist Budget is designed to help men and women of all ages who are sick and tired of living a certain kind of lifestyle, a lifestyle that produces some amazing things, but that also brings forth a ton of trouble and headache. Most people are overwhelmed with these things and find that having them adds more stress to the situation than it is worth. 

This guide takes you step by step to help you figure out what personal data is important and what is simply digital clutter that you can get rid of. This book will help you save time by teaching you how to spend less time to access your data.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 5468

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Sample text:

Because of our hunger for more, our schedules now fail to contain our activities. Of course, a majority of these activities are inessential. We only embrace them to make ourselves busier so we can boast about how hard working we are.


Dangers of a Cluttered Schedule

Here are the dangers:

It increases stress – when you have more work than you can chew, you increase the risk of being stressed. You can't be healthy when jumping between tasks or meetings – you need breaks.

It reduces productivity – too much work will force you into multitasking.  Unfortunately, there is no such thing as multitasking for the brain. The right term is task-switching.

When you carry out two tasks at once, you reduce productivity by as much as 40%. Additionally, your work is prone to mistakes and you take longer to finish it. 

It hinders creativity – stress brings sadness. And sadness erodes creativity.


Tips to Declutter Your Schedule

Just as with decluttering your home, you need to start slow with your schedule. Here are some tips to follow:

Rate each activity – we all need to put food on our tables and pay the bills. So we still have to work. But most of us work beyond what we need to survive.

For example, you may have a day job that pays modestly. But when you get back from work, you may go online to make more money. If you are to think about this, you may realize that it's not necessary.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Rafaella C. S. Barros

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