Megan Goes Hiking by Owen Jones

A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger, and One Scary Mother!

Megan goes hiking in West Wales and learns about an ancient civilisation.

Megan goes hiking

Megan Goes Hiking

Megan goes to visit her paternal grandparents in west Wales. While she is there, she goes hiking along the cliffs on the coast and discovers an ancient cave. She gathers her courage and ventures inside. It is gloomy, but she definitely gets the feeling that she is in touch with a prehistoric civilisation that once used the cave system... especially in their funeral rites!

Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Ancient Mysteries & Controversial Knowledge

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Spiritualism

Language: English

Keywords: hiking, Wales, Saint David's, spiritualism, paranormal, supernatural, ghosts

Word Count: 11,500

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Megan was sitting in the garden with her parents one warm, sunny Saturday afternoon admiring her flowers and bushes.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I don't have to go in next weekend,” she informed them. “Apparently, they're repainting the Civic Offices over the next couple of weeks now that it's quiet and Mrs. Williams' office is being done next Saturday. So, lucky me, eh? Lucky old me! As if I'm not bored enough as it is with the school holidays, now I've got another day off as well.

“I really look forward to working with Mrs. Williams...”

“That's not normally like you, Megan. You're usually so enthusiastic, so full of life with loads of things to do.”

“Oh, I can find things to do, sure, I could write another article for my blog, but about what? I still have to write one for the S.O.S. Green Party, but that'll only take an hour. I could go for a walk in the Park, but I already know the place so well that I could draw you a pretty accurate map of it from memory.

“I want to do something else, something new, something, dare I say it, different and exciting? Could we go somewhere as a family? Somewhere we haven't been before?”

“Not next weekend, I'm afraid, dear. We've got maintenance too and part of my job is to archive all the old files we no longer need and update office software. I'll barely have time to go to the Mall on Saturday afternoon...”

“I want to go on an adventure… perhaps yachting...”

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Luc Wyn
Author review:
Another excellent translation well formatted from Luc.
Already translated. Translated by Olga Tsamoutali
Author review:
Olga has turned in another great translation perfectly formatted
Already translated. Translated by Emily Grasselli
Author review:
Emily has done a great job on all fronts
Already translated. Translated by Naira L.
Author review:
Fantastically translated and formatted.
Already translated. Translated by Lauren Izquierdo
Author review:
Lauren made my life easy again with a great translation perfectly formatted!

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