Meditation: Ultimate Guide To Live Stress Free And Find Inner Peace by Marcus Chavan

Ultimate Guide To Live Stress Free And Find Inner Peace

Meditation: ultimate guide to live stress free and find inner peace


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The point of these teachings has nothing to do with becoming a Buddhist, or learning any Eastern ceremonies or rituals or bowing. The point is that you learn how to work with meditation in order to find benefits from it in your life. When we take time to quiet ourselves, we can all sense that our lives could be lived with greater compassion and greater wakefulness.  To meditate is to support this inner potential and allow it to come forth into our lives.

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Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 4088

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



Minimum estimate - 30 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $63 per month

Maximum but not limited to - 60 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $126 per month

Annual Earnings per book - Minimum Estimate - $63 * 12 = $756 per year.

Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.


Please Note - This is just one book. I have over 1000+ books in my arsenal. If one book can do this much imagine how much even 10 books could do for you. Just stay committed with our business model and I assure you that we all will make money!! Lot of it!!

Sample text:

You become aware that pretty soon, you will end your meditation process. There are people who use a period, but the recommended way to go is to follow “your intention”. You gain awareness that you will get up from your relaxed posture pretty soon. When this happens and you send these signals to your brain in a relaxed way, your entire system will kind of shift gears from “healing mode” to neutral.

The step that follows is this: do nothing. Just be content. The thoughts appear and leave, as do the sensations. Your intention is null. Three minutes of doing just this may seem like a long time, but you need to make sure you at least spend that much time in this phase. You will need a watch at hand to ensure that you fulfill this.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Jussara Servilheri
Translation in progress. Translated by Marina Cozearschi

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
