Meditation: Simple Meditation Techniques To Relieve Stress And Anxiety by Abhijit Nicole

Simple Meditation Techniques To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Meditation: simple meditation techniques to relieve stress and anxiety


This explains why images and memories about unpleasant past experiences and uncertainties about future events can come up at any time of the day to keep you distracted, worried and anxious. Such haphazard and undirected thoughts affect your ability to stay focused on tasks and issues of the moment and give them the attention they deserve.

One effective way to ensure you learn to stay centered and focused, live life moment-by-moment and focus your mind on what you are doing in the NOW is to cultivate mindfulness. One way to bring mindfulness into everything you do and the way you live is to make practicing mindfulness meditation techniques a daily habit.

The book is filled with game-changing and deeply practical meditation instructions. Amid it all unspools the strange and hilarious story of what happens when a congenitally sarcastic, type-A journalist and a groovy Canadian mystic embark on an epic road trip into America's neurotic underbelly, as well as their own

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen

Word Count: 17024

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Sample text:

Being free from judgment simply means that you do not attach your opinions to the happenings of the present moment but rather act as an independent observer without disturbing them by your preferences and prejudices.

Opinions, preferences and prejudices are based on judgments using criteria from past experiences. They are thus stale and therefore cannot be applied to the freshness of the present moment.

When you are mindful, you consciously stay alert and attentive to each moment. Instead of judging things as “good” or “bad” you simply acknowledge and accept them without judgment. This enables you to be freed from reacting to the events and circumstances around you that are often beyond your control.

When you live on autopilot, your reactions, thoughts and feelings just happen to you without you having any say in the matter. When you are attentive and mindful of the present moment, you respond to things with acceptance and openness.

Mindfulness allows you to choose how you will react to events and experiences in your life. If you choose to judge an event, even though mindfulness teaches you not to judge, then your judgment of the event will only be useless and harmful to you.

For example, if your judgment of an event causes you to boil over with anger, then all you have done is boil over with anger. The fact that you’re angry is useless. It doesn’t change the situation and neither does it benefit the situation. All it does is cause you bodily harm because it creates stress.

Buddha said “You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.”

When you choose to remain free from judgment, you accept things as they are. You look at “what is” and accept it as such.

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