Meditation: Simple Meditation Techniques For Better Health And Lifestyle by Matteo Maddox

Simple Meditation Techniques For Better Health And Lifestyle

Meditation: simple meditation techniques for better health and lifestyle


There’s one simple way which can bring back the balance in our lives and help us become more focused, relaxed and energetic at the same time – meditation!

Meditation is the perfect way to unwind, to ‘let down your hair’, to ‘find yourself’, and many other reasons that are important for a person. But where is the time for all this? Where is the time to enroll in a meditation course and spend two days a week learning to find inner peace? Where is the time to sit in a dark room with a candle and chant? Don’t we have a million other things to do in that time instead.

It is through the power of mediation that you can obtain the peace, and it is through this book you can learn all of the things that you should know about mediation: its history, the how-to, the importance. Your purchase of this book puts you just a few short chapters from a new life, a life that brings forth pure happiness and bliss that very few truly are able to enjoy. We will discuss with you the power of meditation, the benefits that it offers and how to get started, plus so much more. Once you read this book your life will never be the same, and the change will be one that you appreciate.

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Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 8729

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Sample text:

The roots of meditation go way back in time. Some researchers speculate that hunter-gather communities discovered meditation while staring at the flames of fire because it gave them an altered state of consciousness. Eventually, meditation developed to be a more structured practice with influences from various cultures and beliefs. Perhaps the most influential practice is the one discovered by the Indians around five thousand years ago, the tantras.

Most religions and cultures have some version of meditation. Though their respective approaches may vary, meditation is generally accepted as an essential element of spiritual growth and development. It is known to be particularly connected to the mystical branch of most spiritual beliefs. For example, there is Kabala in Judaism, which is the meditative field of study. There is also contemplative meditation in Islam through the Koran. Buddhism has quite a number of variations including Zen and Tibetan. Meditation is generally accepted and encouraged in most religious systems.

In fact, even outside the structure of a specific religious belief, meditation is still encouraged. A person does not need to follow a specific religion to enjoy the benefits of meditation. It is all about getting in touch with one’s inner self and spirituality. It can be done through quiet contemplation, active movement or self-expression through the arts. It is helpful in fighting the stress, challenges and problems that often come with living in todays modern world.

Rather than thinking of meditation as something religious, it should be seen as something beneficial for the mind, body and spirit.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Daniela Marinho

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