Meditation: Meditation Techniques For Hapiness And Success by Gerry Miller

Meditation Techniques For Hapiness And Success

Meditation: meditation techniques for hapiness and success


Meditation involves exceptional training which harnesses the totality of the powers that a human brain can offer. Many who practice meditation have reported incredible advantages even though the benefits may not be obvious to others. This form of experience allows us to examine and acknowledge the complexities of our being while at the same time detaching from the distractions that are endemic of modern life. It must be said that meditation is not a new concept. What is new is the adaptation for our contemporary lifestyle.

From reflecting on the essence of prayer and yogic transmission to demystifying the act of meditation through practical tips, this book will enable us to live beyond the filters of our sensory limitations and discover unity within ourselves. To practise Heartfulness is to seek the essence beyond the form, the reality behind the ritual. It is to centre oneself at the core of one’s heart and find true meaning and contentment there.

Meditation is not meant for any specific type of person; it is meant for all people and the benefits apply to all who meditate. It should not necessarily be associated with religion or spirituality as anybody can gain something from meditation whether they are religious or not.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!


Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 9499

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Sample text:

Alright, so now that you know that meditation can help you de-stress and restore happiness in your life—what’s next? Well, developing a better understanding of it is always a good place to start.

Think of meditation as a way to train your mind in the same way that an athlete would train his body to perform well. Meditation trains the mind to sharpen its ability to focus whilst re-energizing it. A weak mind is vulnerable to ill thoughts, fears, stress and unhappiness. What you think of will consume you and take over your life, eventually manifesting itself. So if you’re unable to think positively—then changes must happen.

It’s also a lesson on taking the time to appreciate the world around you. Living in such a fast paced and chaotic world, we often forget to pause and take a look around - to see the beauty even in the smallest of things. To be present in the moment and to know that every single breath you take is precious. Once you develop mindfulness, you become grateful and any anger you may be harboring melts away quite easily.

Most importantly, meditation is not a religion. Whilst it is practice by certain religious orders such as Buddhist monks, it must be understood that it transcends this. It is not surprising, however, that people of different faiths choose to practice it—all due to the benefits it can provide when it comes to our mind, body and spirit.

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