Margaret of Wessex: Student - Teacher Edition by Laurel A. Rockefeller

Textbook version of Margaret of Wessex biography

Margaret of wessex: student - teacher edition

The inspiring story of Margaret of Wessex, queen consort to Malcolm III Canmore of Alba comes to life in this special student-teacher edition designed for educational and home school use. Questions practicing reading comprehension, logic, and critical thinking skills pair with history learning to create a robust yet accessible addition to, or focal point for, social studies units and classes. Appendices at the end of the book provide key reference information, including a detailed timeline covering over 3000 years of Scotland’s history. Medieval units of time are both explained in the accompanying appendix and practiced in the narrative.

A must have addition to every secondary social studies course. For ages 12+.


Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / Home Schooling

Language: English

Keywords: textbook, social studies, medieval history, medieval Scotland, Saint Margaret, Norman Conquest, political prisoners

Word Count: 27297

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Sample text:

King Edward the Confessor succumbed to his fever. Within hours of his death, the monks buried him under the altar dedicated just days before in the church at Westminster Abbey. Almost immediately tales sprang up of miracles performed by the king. Many claimed they were healed by physical contact with the king, an echo of miracles attributed to Jesus Christ.

Upholding their solemn duty, the Witan convened to choose the next king of England according to the shared ancient customs of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes; and maintained in the Empire of the Romans as the “Kurfürstenkollegium,” the College of Electors.

As predicted, the Witan chose experience over blood, influenced greatly by Harold Godwinson’s position as son of the mighty Earl Godwin of Wessex and as brother to the widowed Queen Edith. Ready for the Witan to choose him, Earl Harold received the crown of England in a swift coronation ceremony held in the church at Westminster Abbey before the royal funeral. For such was the haste of the Witan to make Harold king of England over Duke William and over Norwegian King Harold Hardrada (for the ætheling barely registered to them as eligible for the crown) that even the normal period of official mourning given to kings was ignored. It was as if the Witan was happy to see Edward gone and with him, the restrictions that came with religious piety.  This, with many other omens, marked doom for the reign of King Harold II Godwinson.


Study Guide Questions

Describe Queen Edith’s relationship with King Edward the Confessor. Do you believe the stories that King Edward did not have children with Edith because he was religious? Why do you think King Edward died without any children of his own?

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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Maria Vexille
Already translated. Translated by Mariana C. Dias
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