Make Money Online: 10 Highly Effective Ways to Earn Income Online by Rome Hostein

(239b) 10 Highly Effective Ways to Earn Income Online

Make money online: 10 highly effective ways to earn income online


A Guide on How to Finally Start your Business, you finally have a book which will explode every excuse you ever dreamed of and give you the motivation to start your business.

Learn how to affiliate marketing and how to make money with affiliate marketing too. Very easy steps. This is our first ebook so thats why we decided we will give ebook to our users. Very effective ideas

So If you are interested in starting your own online business but struggling, looking to create a side or second income, want to become your own boss working from home, or just looking for amazing ways to create more wealth in your life, then the 21 Day Boss Book has been designed just for you.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!


Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Language: English

Keywords: affiliate marketing, how to get rich, make money online, passive income, stock market, investing, real estate, internet marketing, affiliate marketing secrets

Word Count: 2575

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



Minimum estimate - 30 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $63 per month

Maximum but not limited to - 60 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $126 per month

Annual Earnings per book - Minimum Estimate - $63 * 12 = $756 per year.

Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.


Please Note - This is just one book. I have over 1000+ books in my arsenal. If one book can do this much imagine how much even 10 books could do for you. Just stay committed with our business model and I assure you that we all will make money!! Lot of it!!

Sample text:

If you have a lot of stuff that you never use, or maybe collectibles from years ago, you are going to want to spend some time on eBay. Early on in this eBook I said how beneficial it would be for your online money making skills to be familiar with the eBay culture. Now, if you have lots of unused items it is time to head back over to eBay and sell your items. You will notice that people have all kinds of crazy posting techniques and you could buy lots of eBooks about it (which might be worthwhile if you make a few sales and wanted to spend more time doing this), but it comes down to having a good price and an amazing title. You obviously need to take flattering pictures of the item(s), and the better the product is the better chance you have of making a lot of money like this, but if you have all the necessary things but your title really stands out from the rest, you are on your way to making some sales. You can definitely refine your technique, but in my experience, people will only look around for a very short time on eBay and decide on an item not always for price. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language.

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