low carb: The Low Carb Cookbook For Beginners (Healthy Low Carb Diet Recipes) by Enrique Montgomery


Low carb: the low carb cookbook for beginners (healthy low carb diet recipes)

The low carb diet is one of the most proven and effective diets for losing weight. The low carbohydrate diet is simple to follow, and is based on consuming foods that are mainly low in carbohydrates. Consuming less carbs in your diet, has been shown to increase the fat burned by your body, and is overall a very effective weight loss diet. 

The Low Carb Diet is incredibly effective, and it has transformed the lifes of millions of people worldwide, helping them to lose weight, and to improve their health conditions. No one knows that better than author Jule Eisendick. For almost 20 years she struggled managing her weight, feeling helpless and frustrated for giving up food she loved in order to lose a little weight - just to gain it back again and some more.

When she learned about the Low Carb Diet, she was skeptical at first. But after giving it a try she quickly realized how powerful it was. 

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 6656

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Sample text:


16 ounce bag frozen cauliflower

Salt and pepper, to taste

3 ounces cream cheese with chives and onions

2 tablespoons heavy cream

8 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded

4 servings leftover roast pork, cubed




-Cook the cauliflower until very tender; drain. Put the cauliflower in a 1 1/2 quart casserole; season well with salt and pepper.


-In a 4-cup glass measure, heat the cream cheese, cream and cheddar cheese (reserve a little cheese for top, if desired) in the microwave on MEDIUM for about 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally until creamy.


-Pour the cheese mixture over the cauliflower and mix well. Stir in the cubed pork; season to taste. Top with the reserved cheese. Bake at 350ºfor 35 minutes, until bubbly and starting to brown on top.

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