low carb: Healthy Low Carbohydrate Slow Cooker Recipes For Helping You Loss Weigh by Irvin Allison

(74b) Healthy Low Carbohydrate Slow Cooker Recipes For Helping You Loss Weigh

Low carb: healthy low carbohydrate slow cooker recipes for helping you loss weigh

The low diet is one of the most proven and effective diets for losing weight. The low carb diet is based on consuming foods that are mainly low in carbohydrates. Consuming less carbs in your diet, has been shown to increase the fat burned by your body, and is overall a very effective weight loss diet. 

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to make paleo breakfasts. 
The paleo diet is one of the best functional diets around today. Most people who use it say that the diet has created wonderful changes in their lives. Many people have used this functional diet to lose weight. Athletes also use it to maintain a low body fat percentage and still have the energy to do their activities throughout the day.
This book shows you how you can apply the paleo diet in your breakfast. It gives you 365 ways to prepare paleo meals. The recipes found in this book follow the paleo principle. They are low in calories because these recipes contain very little carbohydrates.

The low diet is one of the most proven and effective diets for losing weight. The low carb diet is based on consuming foods that are mainly low in carbohydrates. Consuming less carbs in your diet, has been shown to increase the fat burned by your body, and is overall a very effective weight loss diet. 

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 7874

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Sample text:


6 cups water
¼ cup brown rice
¼ cup ripe jackfruit, peeled, deseeded, shredded
¼ cup tapioca pearls, large pearls, cooked according to package instructions, drained
⅛ cup palm sugar, crumbled, reserve some for sprinkling
2 cans coconut cream, divided
1 can whole corn kernels, rinsed, drained
Pinch of kosher salt
1 banana, thinly sliced, for garnish


Except for banana, cooked tapioca pearls, and 1 can of coconut cream, pour remaining ingredients into slow cooker set at low heat. Stir. Put lid on. Cook for 6 hours.
Pour in remaining can of coconut cream and tapioca pearls; stir. Taste; adjust seasoning if needed.
Ladle congee into individual bowls. Garnish with equal portions of banana slices. Sprinkle more palm sugar on top. Cool slightly before serving.

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