low carb: Easy Weight Loss With Delicious Simple Best low carb Recipes by Terrence Poole

(62b) Easy Weight Loss With Delicious Simple Best low carb Recipes

Low carb: easy weight loss with delicious simple best low carb recipes

Healthy eating is all about keeping yourself healthy, feeling great, stabilizing your mod and having more energy. In this book, we have made sure that the recipes have all the right ingredients to provide a fun cooking experience while keeping you super healthy!

This book expounds on the low carb diet and introduces several weight loss secrets as well as strategies and tips on how to successfully implement the low carb diet in your life. 

There is a high chance that you've already tried a ton of different diet plans and weight loss strategies that simply didn't lead to the desired weight loss effect or you just lost the weight only to gain it all back. Chances are you've tried your best, but the techniques simply didn't work. If this is the case, you don’t have to worry. This book will not only give you the information you need to know about the low carb diet and its amazing benefits, but also will provide you with a few easy strategies and tips on how to effortlessly get rid of the few excess pounds. 

You will be happy to know that the low carb diet is quite different from other diets. It has been proven by various scientific sources that the low carb diet is extremely beneficial to your health. However, this is not even the best part. What’s great about the low carb diet is that it requires little to no excess work.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 5779

Sales info:

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Sample text:

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 tbsp butter

½ c. Chopped yellow onion

8 eggs

3 tbsp 2 percent milk

3 tbsp chopped fresh chives

¼ tsp coarse salt

¼ tsp freshly ground pepper

6 oz. Smoked salmon , cut right into thin strips

1 tbsp chopped fresh chives

Heat the olive oil & butter in a big nonstick skillet over medium heat till the butter melts. Add the onion & sauté for 10 to 15 min. Or till golden.

Combine the eggs, milk, chives, salt, & pepper in a medium bowl & whisk till well blended. Pour the egg mixture right into the skillet & cook for 4 min. Or till the eggs have just about set, stirring often. Add the salmon & cook for about 1 minute or till the eggs are cooked but still moist.

To serve, divide the scrambled eggs on each of four dinner plates. Garnish each serving with chives, if desired.

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