Low Carb: A List of Low Carb Foods and Snacks to Help you Weight Loss Fast by Marcus Aguilar

(80b) A List of Low Carb Foods and Snacks to Help you Weight Loss Fast

Low carb: a list of low carb foods and snacks to help you weight loss fast

The low carb diet is one of the most proven and effective diets for losing weight, yet some people find this diet difficult to stay on because of the assumption that this diet means giving up tasty and delicious recipes. This is not true however, there are plenty of tasty low carb recipes out there that taste just as good as their non-low carb counter parts. 

Low carbohydrate recipe diet for the people that are in need of something sweet, but yet are stuck in a pretty strict diet. Find out recipes that you can easily make with no huge effort at all, short ingredient and easy simple steps to take.

A low carbohydrate diet is helpful for the fact that it helps you lose weight more rapidly, although the down side is that it takes up to much calories or just has to much fat in it. This book is perfect for the person who is cutting or just wants to learn how to eat more healthy, or even curious on how these food taste. 

I know that it sucks to live off of just bananas and oatmeal as a carbohydrate source, and you learn to easily get bored of the same food over and over again, you might have to spice things up if your looking to staying strict on your low carbohydrate diet.

There are hundreds of different types of diet available and it can be extremely difficult to know which the best diet is for you. The low carb diet has been given a variety of names over the years but it is one of the oldest and most successful approaches to dieting available. There are many success stories associated with this type of dieting. 

Adopting a low carb diet means saying goodbye to sugar products, sweeteners, potatoes, pasta and bread. However, as this book will show, you will quickly realize that there are a significant range of alternative products which can provide delicious alternatives to the usual potatoes, pasta and bread. 

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 6676

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Sample text:


 5 oz tilapia fillets

 2 cloves garlic, minced

 ¼ cup water

 2 cups baby spinach

 ½ cup bread crumbs

 1 egg white, lightly beaten

 2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted

 2 tablespoons fat free plain yogurt

 1 ½ teaspoons lemon peel

 1 teaspoon paprika



Preheat the oven to 400 F.

Meanwhile, in a skillet over medium heat, put garlic, water, and spinach. Cook for 3 minutes or until the spinach wilts.

In a bowl, mix bread crumbs, egg, pine nuts, plain yogurt, and lemon peel.

On a work surface, arrange the fillets and sprinkle with paprika. Turn the fillet once and put some stuffing on the end of one fillet. Fold stuffing and secure the ends using a toothpick.

Place the roll in a baking dish and repeat with the remaining fillets. Bake for 20 minutes or until fish flakes easily. Serve.

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