Leadership: Easy Steps To Become Better Leader And Influence People by Brian Brown

Easy Steps To Become Better Leader And Influence People

Leadership: easy steps to become better leader and influence people


For many, the story of the man Esau in the Bible teaches some basic lessons of life, such as the idea that our value systems must be upheld with the highest regards; never should we sacrifice those values for some ephemeral gratifications.

It all begins with understanding what leadership is. Then, you must examine yourself and whether you have the characteristics to make others want to follow you. All true leaders have a basic skill set that enables them to impact and influence those around them. Becoming conscious of the great leaders of the past and present will enable you to become one of them. This book will equip you with basic steps to improve in personal development and in personal relationships. A great leader has a different vision, different priorities, and different personality.


What leadership principles Esau applied that positively turned his life around and brought about such a celebrated future. This book seeks to help you discover these principles.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: leadership, decision making, development, influence, principles, skills, styles, tips, management, business, Negotiation, Persuasion, Communication, goals, habits, personal growth, motivate, motivation

Word Count: 12709

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Sample text:

It’s better to learn from the mistakes of others rather than through experience. This stands true for all the leaders who wish to take their organizations on new heights of success.

In common view, leaders are the superhuman beings who can never go wrong. They are expected to have deep insight and impeccable intuition in all matters. Let’s clear our minds of these misconceptions and agree that leaders are humans too. Although they might not have the luxury of making mistakes without severe repercussions, we have to let go of the misconceptions that leaders are immune.

In pursuit of success, even leaders can misjudge situations. A flawed calculation can bring about the end of a successful idea. Sometimes even leaders need guidance and if they take inspiration from the mistakes of other people, there’s no harm.

If you are a leader, take a look at the following common mistakes that leaders make. Are you also unknowingly making the same mistakes?

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