L'aube de nos solstices by Aurélien Di Sanzo

Collection of poems (prose and verse)

L'aube de nos solstices

Conceptual collection of poems about abstract and physical shelters : a memory, a place, a song, a feeling can be seen as a shelter that helps to escape reality for a limited period. 

Genre: POETRY / General

Language: French


Word Count: 14237

Sales info:

The book has been self-published and around 100 copies have been sold in only 2 months. I have also had the honour to participate to the Paris Book Fair (biggest book fair in France). The book has been reviewed in many medias, both print and electronic. I gave also few interviews (only in french so far).

There is a quite strong demand in english language as I have a lot of foreign friends and acquaintances that are interested to read it. 

Sample text:

LIV – Une moitié de soleil

J’aperçois ta chevelure blonde que je devine incrustée dans ce vieux mur, un peu comme si on  avait serti une émeraude. Si la pierre n'a plus d'odeur, le vent qui balaie la mèche de cheveux coincée depuis des siècles conserve celle des milliers de souvenirs. Les nôtres.

Et je me souviens de tes yeux bleus d'aigue marine, disposés comme deux petites pierres précieuses au milieu d'un cercle parfait de sable fin.

Je me souviens de tes petits bras dont les mains  enserrent  avec  difficulté  le contour des rames. Et de ce geste, fragile et précis, qui balaie l'air autour de toi, autour de nous.

Combien de fois suis-je resté sur les grèves, à te regarder arriver avec le coucher de soleil derrière, les lueurs orangées valsant dans cette immense cours de récréation qu'est le ciel ?

Combien de fois suis-je resté sur le rivage, à te regarder partir avec la lune au-dessus, sa lueur blanchâtre illuminant suffisamment ta barque pour te guider à travers la pénombre ?

Combien de fois suis-je monté avec toi sur ce vieux rafiot de fortune, t'enlaçant en regardant ces vieux murs de pierre se raviver   le   temps   d'un   souffle   sucré déposé sur ta nuque ?​


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Benjamin Hedley
Author review:
It was a real pleasure to work with Benjamin. Communication has been easy, Benjamin was always available and he made a very good translation of my collection of poems. I highly recommend him and I will surely work with him again in the future !
Already translated. Translated by Ilaria Igieni
Author review:
I had an excellent (first) collaboration with Ilaria and I am very satisfied of both the great communication we had and her translation skills. I am very looking forward to work with her again !
Already translated. Translated by Carla M. C. Renard
Author review:
I am beyond than grateful to have found a translator such as Carla ! Her translation skills as well as her availability are the one of a true professional. She is 100% involved in what she does. We have been through a lot of complications through the publishing process and she has never stopped trying her best to provide the correct format of epub. I highly recommend her for all those reasons and cannot thank her enough for all the time she dedicated to my work. I am no more than honored.
Already translated. Translated by Beatriz Portero García
Author review:
I could not be more satisfied by Beatriz's work as she provided an awesome translation. It has been a long process but she has always been very available and never hesitate to ask questions in order to make the best translation possible. We had also trouble with the epub format and she did not hesitate to spend a lot of time working on it and together we managed to find a solution. I highly recommend Beatriz and I already know that I will think of her to translate my future books.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
