Investing: Generate positive income and become financial free by John Haanel

Learn how to become a successful investor, and start making money now!

Investing: generate positive income and become financial free


The stock markets are a collection of markets and exchange, where issuing and trading of equities of public listed companies, bonds, other securities through formal exchanges or over the counter markets. It involves buying and selling shares and securities to generate capital.

The reason for companies trading their stocks is to generate enough capital to facilitate their business operations to a whole new level expanding their market reach and increasing profit income. As a prospective investor, you have to buy floating shares or stocks at a lower rate and hold onto them until the stocks experience a boom and their prices go up.

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Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: investing, real estate, stock market, cryptocurrency, investing for beginners, how to get rich, investing books, investing basics, trading, investing for retirement, investing for women

Word Count: 13358

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Sample text:

There should be no room for nervous people in the stock market. Unfortunately, many people act based on fear in the market. The collective behavior of these people in the stock market creates major shifts in share prices. When they are hyped, they buy stocks. This pushes prices up. You should time selling your shares when there is hype in the market. 

When the market is uncertain and news is full of gloomy information, nervous investors usually pull their money out prematurely. Again, the collective actions of people acting on fear create an impact in the market. The massive sell off of stocks, pulls the prices downward. This is a good time to buy. 

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