Investing: Beginner guide to investing successfuly by Rachel Jackson

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Investing: beginner guide to investing successfuly


This easy workbook format shows managers new to Business Continuity Planning how to quickly develop a basic plan and keep it updated. If you've been tasked with developing a basic business continuity plan and aren't sure where to start, this workbook with sample forms, checklists, templates, and plans will walk you step-by-step through the process.

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Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Aging

Language: English

Keywords: investing, real estate, stock market, cryptocurrency, investing for beginners, how to get rich, investing books, investing basics, trading

Word Count: 8453

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Sample text:

These assets can be converted to cash with relative ease, unlike stocks and bonds which are limited by markets and contracts, respectively. They are low-risk and as such, have a low return. Cash equivalents are important for investors because they are a guaranteed return on investment and are a good way to keep your portfolio diverse and safe. CDs are considered cash-equivalents, as well as savings and checking accounts and money market deposit accounts. Treasury bills issued by the Federal government are also cash equivalents. When you invest in a treasury bill, the U.S. government is indebted to you for a short period of time, less than one year. Unlike bonds, you do not receive a coupon. Nonetheless, the T-Bill does collect interest. 

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Already translated. Translated by Joel Santamand

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