Insidious, Jet Black, Book Two by T. S. Littlefield

Insidious is the second release in the young adult sci- fi adventure series, Jet Black.

Insidious, jet black, book two

The story of Jet Black continues, and more of the mystery unfolds as Jet and his friends, prepare to rescue the remaining children held at Miracle Manor, by the sinister Dr. Drexler. 
More clues come together to reveal a larger picture as Drexler’s plans, come to light piece by insidious piece. 
Grandpa’s story is continued, which further sheds light on the history of Nebulous, and the Key holders who came before Jethro Black. 
The Enigma of Serenity further unfolds, and as Fig embarks upon this new world, opportunities are discovered for expanded perception and insight, not only into the past, present, and possible future, but perhaps into the very nature of mankind’s existence. 

Insidious is the second release in the young adult science fiction series… Jet Black. 

Warning. This book series will take you on an adventurous ride through the world of Jet Black. Here you will inevitably find various religious and spiritual undertones woven into the story. Some of these are subtle, and some are not. Others are hidden as clues to a larger picture. While some may consider these as hidden treasures, others may choose to see them differently. If you are the type that chooses to be offended by religious and/or spiritual content, I suggest you turn back now. If however, you are not afraid of such things, by all means... Proceed at your own risk. 

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Adventure

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Christian / Futuristic

Language: English


Word Count: 60000

Sales info:

Newly published as the second release in the Jet Black series. Insidious has seen a few sales in its first week of publication as a paperback, and also in the Kindle format.

Audiobook production begins in January.

Sample text:

Chapter Twelve

~ Shadow Man ~


In a young child’s dark bedroom, a small L.E.D. night light shined its white glow across the floor, merging with the piercing beams of moonlight that came through the window on the opposite side of the room.

 Little Andrew heard a noise and it woke him from his light sleep. In recent days, he’d had trouble sleeping in his own room. He used to share a bedroom with his older sister, but their parents had decided she was now old enough that she needed her own room, so as of a few days ago, she had moved into the spare bedroom. Andrew was not used to sleeping in this big bedroom all by himself and each night his dad had come in to console and reassure him that there were no monsters in the corner or under the bed.

He opened his eyes and listened…. Thump…. There it was again! The noise came from under the bed.

“Dad!” Andrew yelled as he sat up in his bed. He looked at his bedroom door, wondering if he could make it before the monster under his bed ate him. He just knew that if he set one foot on that floor, something would reach out from under his bed, grab his ankle, and pull him into the dark abyss from where there would be no return. His parents would be so sorry they hadn’t believed him when they arrived in his room just a little too late to save him. He could see the scene vividly in his mind; they would come in all annoyed at him for “crying wolf” once again only to find that he was gone. They would see the scrape marks that he would have left on the floor as he fought against the tentacles of the viscous thing that slowly pulled him under his bed. He sat up and pulled the covers close around him. "Dad!" he yelled again.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by João Félix Hartleben Fernandes
Author review:
Great Job. Thanks!
Already translated. Translated by Paula Andrea Silva Fauré

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