How to Get Your Ex Back: Your Ex Lover Fall in Love with You Again by Adonis Hills


How to get your ex back: your ex lover fall in love with you again


Getting your ex back isn't hard IF you know the proper steps to take. "How To Get Your Ex Back" is a step by step comprehensive guide detailing the necessary steps it takes to get your ex back starting right now. Self-deprecation and picking at your own flaws is akin to rubbing salt in the wound. Instead of crying, I suggest you read this book and focus on a detailed plan on how to get your ex back.

Breakup Facts

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Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: dating, get your ex back, boyfriend, girlfriend, how to get your ex back, divorce, self help, marriage

Word Count: 9929

Sales info:

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Sample text:

So right now, make a few post it notes with the words NO CONTACT on them. Underneath each post it note, write a positive affirmation about yourself, such as I’m worth it, I’m doing this for me, This is a good thing, I deserve to be happy. Put these in places around your house that you’re sure to see them. One should definitely go on the bathroom mirror and you should also put one in your car where you’ll see it every single day. I’ve even known people who tape them behind their phone and then train themselves to set their phone face down, so that they always see the message. That way, when that familiar “ding” comes in and you know you have a text, you’ll have that training of your positive affirmation there already engrained in your mind and it will be less tempting to then send him a text as well.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Anna Maria Durante
Translation in progress. Translated by Sidnei Sargaço
Translation in progress. Translated by Claudia Figueroa

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