Help! My Boss Is Whacko! by Richard G Lowe Jr

How to handle a boss who is unreasonable, psychotic, or just in the way.

Help! my boss is whacko!

Improve Your Work Life, Leading to Higher Productivity, Potentially Larger Raises and a Happier Life 

Is your boss driving you crazy or harassing you? Is he or she making your miserable, denying you raises and promotions, or micromanaging your every move? Are you happy with your work situation? Do you understand it will not improve unless you do something about it? 

Would prefer to look forward to going to work every day? Wouldn’t you like to be respected, make more money and go home feeling satisfied at doing a job well done? 

I have been where you are today. 

In my life, I’ve had all kinds of managers, from a boss who was declared insane to the compulsive micromanager and, worst of all, the manager headed for retirement who didn’t want to approve or do anything that might rock the boat. I felt attacked, belittled, unvalued and overwhelmed, sometimes all at the same time. 

These situations affected my health and well-being and caused a feeling of helplessness and depression that nothing seemed to fix. Life appeared to be nothing but failure due to the constant invalidations and negativity. 

Finally, I realized I could do something about the whacko boss. There were many options, from a simple conversation all the way to finding new employment. What I realized is it takes two to be a victim – the victimizer (the whacko boss) and the victim. I decided to break that crazy dance. 

* Understand that you can do something to correct the situation. 
* Learn the various options at your disposal. 
* Build an escape route to use if the situation does improve. 
* Find the people who can help you take corrective action. 

Don’t let another day go by without taking action to kick the whacko boss in the butt. Get your Copy of this book NOW. 

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Careers / General

Secondary Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Business Ethics

Language: English


Word Count: 10000

Sample text:

Most of us have a person called the boss, a manager or supervisor who has authority over our actions in the workplace. In the ideal situation, the boss has the power to maintain an environment that is creative and supportive. He or she works with us to set goals and objectives that align with corporate goals and objectives. Once those are defined, a good manager gets out of the way, delegating the appropriate amount of authority and responsibility, and lets us do our job. Discipline is mild, and any issues with performance are handled immediately, making the annual review process very simple.

Unfortunately, the ideal boss is a rarity in today’s workplace. In many cases, supervisors and managers get promoted with little, if any, training. These people often mean well, but since they do not have the knowledge or background to understand working with teams, they tend to make many errors and often alienate their people.

Business courses in college teach theoretical concepts that may not translate well into a real life workplace. These well-schooled managers enter the workplace believing they know what they are doing because they have received so much schooling and start with an air of arrogance and heavy-handedness that can lead to problems with their staff.

Some managers have personalities that make them a terror in the workplace. A racist or sexist can create a very hostile working environment for their subordinates. A boss who is retiring can become very cautious since they don’t want to rock the boat and put their pension in jeopardy. Those who micromanage or are unethical create many problems with their staff. And, of course, the psychotic or hostile manager creates far more problems than they solve.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by S.D. Cason
Already translated. Translated by Andreia De J.P.A.Mendes
Already translated. Translated by Aurora Carranza

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
