Healthy Church by Craig Tackett

Ten Spiritual Practices for Healthy Believers and Churches

A practical book for both leaders and members about what a healthy church truly looks like.

Healthy church

Is your church bringing vibrant life to the world? Are you?

The church—it’s not just an organization, and it’s certainly not a building. It’s more than a nonprofit, a community center, or a social gathering. Each of us who profess faith in Christ is the church, and the strength of the whole is dependent on the health of the individual parts. Before complaining about the problems of “the church,” it’s time for a thorough check-up on your own heart.

Craig Tackett is currently serving as the lead pastor of NBC on Main in Nicholasville, Kentucky. For years in demand as both a speaker and worship leader, Craig traveled throughout the United States engaging people of all ages with the truths of God’s Word. He is the founder and director of Inlightened Ministries and The EDGE Student and Leaders Conference. Sharing from nearly thirty years in ministry, Craig writes with hope and conviction on the health of the local church.

In this practical and powerful book, you will discover how to:

– Start with Scripture as your foundation and guide.

– Navigate the challenges of living in community with other believers.

– Deal with sin issues—yours and others’—honestly and earnestly.

– Find answers for some difficult issues that can easily cause disunity in the church.

– Keep the focus of your life and your church on following Jesus and joyfully fulfilling His mission.

At the end of each chapter, evaluation questions for yourself and your church, as well as application-focused action steps, will aid you or your small group in personalizing and growing from the principles you learn.

Whether you are a veteran of vocational church ministry or a church member desiring to thrive in a biblically sound, Christ-centered church, Healthy Church will help you and your church community perform a spiritual self-diagnostic. Get ready to become a healthier church together!

Genre: RELIGION / Christian Life / Inspirational

Language: English

Keywords: Religion, Church, Spirituality, Church Members, Church Leaders, Christianity, Church Health

Word Count: Approximately 27,276

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Healthy Church was the #1 new release in 3 different Christian categories

It was as High as #4 in Insiprational Christianity

It was as High as #7 in Christian Church Growth

It was as high as #19 in Adult Christian Education

Sample text:

Savoring Scripture

It is imperative that we do more than simply read the Bible and memorize a bunch of verses. Memorization is important, but it’s the application of the verses that matters most. The Pharisees would actually commit to memory entire books of the Bible, yet in many cases their lives were never changed. They would even tithe on their spices, but failed to realize that God called them to have generous hearts (Matthew 23:23). Do you see the difference?

Healthy believers savor God’s Word. They genuinely crave it. They don’t just chew and swallow, they let the flavor roll around in their mouths and appreciate the herbs, the char, the texture. They look forward to going back and having a second helping. We need to understand that the Scriptures are vital, and we should genuinely delight in them, rejoice in God’s correction, and make them a central part of our lives.

Jesus told a parable about a farmer spreading seed. He explained that the seed is the Word of God (Mark 4:14). The seeds landed in different kinds of soil. Most of the seeds never took root. Only those seeds which landed in fertile soil grew into healthy plants. We must go to the Bible having prepared our hearts to take in what God has for us and we must let the Holy Spirit do His job of turning the seeds into strong plants with firm roots that bear much fruit.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Carolina Lennartz
Already translated. Translated by Manuel Bento Falcón
Author review:
Manuel was kind, expedient, accurate, and a joy to work with. I will be happy to seek out his gifts and talents again in the future. 5 star experience!

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