Habits: Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Habits by Brian Blanchard

Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Habits

Habits: easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad habits


The power of habit stacking is that by slowly introducing small habits into your life you start to build synergies. You will begin to be getting more out of each habit every time you stack another, small good habit on top of it. It will seem like magic, but habit stacking is based on science.

Next you will learn how important it is to remain disciplined while you are looking to cultivate major change in your life as no change ever came about overnight. With that out of the way you will learn all about the many ways confidence factors into true personal change and how to improve one to enhance your chance of the other. Then you will learn all about cultivating personal patterns and finally you will learn all about setting the right type of goals to find the success you seek.

Discover how to break down your goals into smaller, more-easily-achieved steps, that you can repeat over and over again. In time, these habits will reach the autopilot stage and your mental and emotional energy will be freed up to tackle other aspects of your goals.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit

Word Count: 13486

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Sample text:

It Changes You Ultimately. The most important part of changing your habits is that it has a “bounce back” effect. You change your habits, and in turn, it changes you, not in the basic sense but ultimately. Yes habits can change you ultimately! Establishing proper habits will help you transform and become a better man, just like how a cocoon can produce a beautiful butterfly. This also means that changing habits is not that easy but the results are very sweet.

A study has shown that developing proper habits is actually even more important than making personal goals. This means that instead of focusing on your goals, try focusing on changing on your habits first before you ever focus on setting a goal. This might be the formula to success. As you can see, when a person wants to achieve a certain goal, he tends to focus on his own self-control or motivation. It might be a good idea but it’s not actually a strong foundation. It’s because our habits persist even if we have no more energy to exert and are very tired from a day’s work. This scenario can result in you getting off-track in your goals. For example, after a stressful day in your job if you’re not feeling “motivated”, then you simply fall back to your old habits.

It Helps You Achieve Goals. Doing the power habits is the key to achieving your goals. No matter what goals you want to achieve, there is a habit that you can incorporate for that.

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