Habits: Bad Habits to Overcome Procrastination And Can Change Your Life by Sally Harnish

Bad Habits to Overcome Procrastination And Can Change Your Life

Habits: bad habits to overcome procrastination and can change your life


I thought I was smart, I was educated, I thought I could be successful, but there is much more to success than intelligence and education. Hard work is also a very important part of success, and although I could have definitely worked a little harder in school and at work, that wasn’t the missing piece to the puzzle. Not only did I struggle after college, I became very frustrated with where my career was going. I lost some of my dreams, I started to tell myself I didn’t want fancy things or nice cars, because I started to believe I would never be able to get those things. If I convinced myself, I didn’t want those things, maybe I would be less disappointed. 

Our self-esteem impacts all aspects of our life: our relationships with others, our level of self-confidence, our professional success, our happiness, our inner peace, and the success that we aim to achieve in future. Whether you want to make quantum leaps, reach your most significant goals, triple your income, create excellent relationships, overcome stress and anxiety, or simply feel happy and satisfied with who you are. It all starts with healthy self-esteem.

A funny thing happened a few years into my real estate career. I got fed up with how things were going and I made some drastic changes. At first the changes resulted in me making much less money and being way more stressed! However, I accidentally started to create some goals, because I got fed up with how things were going. Then I started to listen to other people and not rely on just myself. I got outside my comfort zone and did things that scared me and were very hard to do. My life started to turn around, and success followed very quickly.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit

Word Count: 4363

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Sample text:

This is a huge bad habit that many people are dealing with on a daily basis. They get into the habit of eating, even if they are not hungry, because they are stressed out by something that is going on in their lives or they are bored. While this may seem like something that is not that big of a deal, it can end up causing some serious health effects as you gain weight and aren’t able to keep it off. There are few who won’t admit to having some issues with eating because they are bored or going for a comfort food when they have a bad day, but when this becomes a habit that you deal with each day, you may end up with some issues.

If you eat for any other reason other than being hungry is overeating, and this is unhealthy for the body. It causes you to gain an unhealthy weight and then can increase your risk of heart disease, high blood sugars, diabetes, and so many other issues. For the most part, when we turn to food for comfort in trying times, we are turning to foods that are high in sugars, calories, and salts without having any of the nutritional value that our bodies need. Not only are we eating too many calories for our bodies, we are also flooding in lots of harmful chemicals into the body.

All of these unhealthy ingredients, plus the fact that we are probably not getting all of the nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy, we are leaving ourselves to a life of misery. We are not going to have a healthy appetite that is good for the body, more energy, and you are most likely to feel really irritable and depressed all at the same time.

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Already translated. Translated by Cristofer Picado

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