God’s Wisdom For Navigating Life by Collins Wright

God Is With You Every Day

Wise sayings, clever truths and discipline for daily living, presented in a humorous and refreshing style

God’s wisdom for navigating life

“If you are not sure a Priest or Reverend Father do wear trousers, wait for the day a strong wind will blow behind him.”

Daily, we see it, we hear it, we act it out, whether we realize it or not because existence itself is proverbial. GOD‘S WISDOM FOR NAVIGATING LIFE encapsulates strong advice, forceful warnings, plain understandings, clear truths and clean morals in humorous covers. It draws images from daily experiences and the message is true of people everywhere. Sometimes, you will have to laugh and wet your eyes from tears.

So discover why “The room of a small child is not enough for a masquerade to dress up." And why "A man needs to hold his organ in his hand in gesture when making advances to a woman who is deaf and dumb."

Genre: ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES / Popular Culture

Language: English

Keywords: words of wisdom, old saying, word power made easy, african proverbs, african heritage, pop culture, wisdom of solomon, proverbs 31

Word Count: 3988

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Sample text:

If the atrocities of a rat are considered, axe would be too small to slaughter it.

If we look at the gravity of an offense, we might overreact

A corpse doesn't like to hear that there is no burial cloth.

There's no way you can dodge this or avoid it

A masquerade is not viewed from one spot when it is dancing.

You don't conclude a matter after just one point of view

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Alex Terán
Author review:
This translator did a professional job in the translation of my book. In his interest in accurate result, he sought clarification of terms used a number of times. We had good communication flow. And he's faithful to time.

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