Desejo de Vingança by LS Morgan

An addictive, engaging and incredible romantic novel

Desejo de vingança

Hazel Eyes (Desire for Revenge) SYNOPSIS: Alex Hazel is a successful entrepreneur in the business world, in which he has struggled to enter. Abandoned by the woman he loved and betrayed by those he trusted, he shaped his fate with a single desire, that of Revenge. Can he fulfill his plans when fate preaches the play to bring back the one that had stolen his heart? Venture into this novel surrounded by mystery and intense emotions to discover how far a man goes, whether out of hate or even out of love.

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Contemporary

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / General

Language: Portuguese

Keywords: romantic, mystery, drama, love, passion, revenge

Word Count: 175100

Sales info:

Hazel Eyes, debut novel by Brazilian author LS Morgan reached the top of the Wattpad Brazil ranking as the most read and voted novel of 2016, with more than 3 million views. It has also been ranked in the Widbook Brazil as the most read and voted book of the entire platform, a record that actually days has not been surpassed by any other book. After releasing the book for free on those platforms and thus get positive feedbacks, reviews and loyal readers, the author launched the book on Amazon in September 2017. This novel had 100% of the positive Brazilian feedbacks with 5 stars. The novel brings a plot of mystery and romance in engaging and thought-provoking writing, captures the reader chapter by chapter and thrills all those who venture into this exciting read.

Sample text:

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Alex Hazel demorou especialmente no banho frio da manhã. Deixou a água gelada correr forte pelo torso em longos minutos. Quando entrou no closet para escolher o terno que iria usar, sentiu uma pontada de dor no peito. Sabia que era seu dia, seu momento de triunfo, o dia em que ele poderia finalmente colocar para fora todo o ressentimento que guardou durante tanto tempo.

O maxilar se contraiu e ele fechou os punhos com raiva. A lembrança de oito anos atrás ainda era tão vívida quanto se tivesse ocorrido no dia anterior. Pensou em tudo o que passou para chegar aonde chegou e lhe ocorreu momentaneamente que se não tivesse passado por toda aquela humilhação e abandono, talvez não estivesse onde hoje está, mas a dor interna vinha mesmo com a lembrança da vida inocente que se fora... Uma vida que seu inimigo tirou... A vida de alguém que ele tanto amara.

Enquanto terminava de pôr seu terno de três peças sentiu o peito comprimir por um sentimento que não conseguiu identificar. Talvez ali estivesse raiva, rancor ou uma angústia trancada em si mesmo. Sabia que precisava pôr fim à história que moldou sua vida e o fez ser o que é hoje: para alguns, um homem frio, calculista e objetivo, para outros, um visionário, trabalhador e empresário de sucesso. Para ele mesmo, uma pessoa moldada em chamas e fogo pelas marcas da vida e seu desejo de vingança.

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Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Rachel Lima Lopes
Author review:
Rachel Lima Lopes has done an excellent job translating my book into English. She was kind, extremely professional, very communicative, and worked incredibly hard. I would definitely work with her again on future projects.
Already translated. Translated by Annalisa Farina
Author review:
Annalisa Farina is a very efficient, polite, friendly and a great professional. I will definitely be happy if I work with her again.

Excelente profissional, educada, amigável e eficientel. Teria o maior prazer de trabalhar com ela em outros projetos.
Already translated. Translated by Samantha Rossiñol
Author review:
Samantha Rossiñol did an excellent job of translating and delivered on time. She is very attentive, competent and a great translator.

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