Day of Octagon by Ty'Ron Robinson II

Octagon Lives!

Day of octagon

Set after the events of The Risen Period Trilogy, The Core heroes have went there separate ways, on about their individual business.

Yet, they will be united once more when a threat arises from another realm and even sooner when the rise of an artificial intelligent force known as Octagon sets out to transform the world into a land of only machine and digital.

Genre: FICTION / Superheroes

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

Language: English

Keywords: Day of Octagon, The Swordman, Taltus, The Nano Man, Commander Norland, Octagon, Dark Titan Universe, Dark Titan Universe Saga, Superhero Fiction, Science Fiction Books, Dark Titan Entertainment

Word Count: 33919

Sample text:

In another realm, the realm of Eragard, Theus stood atop a high mountain, overlooking the other worlds of Eragardia. The city of Eragard could be seen around him. Glowing as bright as the sun. Tall structures made of material unknown to humanity. Behind him appears a large man, wielding a sword/axe hybrid weapon. Dressed in all brown armor and a tunic. His eyes glistened like the stars in the firmament. He stood next to Theus.

“Vindhler.” Theus said. “What can you sense?”

“I sense such. Tell me where to direct my focus.”

“In the realm of Man.”

Vindhler held his head down as his weapon was faced front. He raised his head up like lightning.

“What is it?” Theus asked.

“Trouble is near. A strange trouble.”

“How strange? Similar to any foes we’ve encountered?”

“No. this trouble isn’t like us, nor Astral or anything outside the realm of Man. This is within Man’s realm. Created by man itself.”

Theus was uncertain of the details. Strange trouble seemed foreign to even his ears. Vindhler turned toward Theus, pointing his weapon out into the vastness of the bright heavens.

“You need to return to the realm of Man immediately.”

“Do not fret, friend, I will find this trouble and end it before it does any harm.”

“Take notice, Theus of Eragardia. This trouble is yet to be born.”

“When is its birth?”


Theus bolted in the sky and flew through a wormhole above the mountain. Disappearing after a large sonic boom emitting from the closing wormhole.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Tauan Costa

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
