Crockpot: 50 Slow Cooking Recipes For Your Whole Family (Quick And Healthy Recipes) by Marie Hensperger

50 Slow Cooking Recipes For Your Whole Family (Quick And Healthy Recipes)

Crockpot: 50 slow cooking recipes for your whole family (quick and healthy recipes)


The secrets to a long, healthy, happy life is eating tasty home cooked whole food meals. By enjoying delicious whole food meals at home with friends and family, we can regain control over our health and prevent and reverse painful and debilitating diseases while losing weight and feeling better than ever. We can bring energy back into our lives just by following a simple food philosophy: eat real food. Food should not make you fat. It should not be full of chemicals, promote disease, or reduce the quality of your life.

Even on a day at home, I find it's so good to put something in the slow cooker early, leaving the rest of the day free in the sure knowledge that dinner is organized. A dinner can be started hours in advance so that by mealtime, all you need to do is serve. 

One of the most satisfying things you can experience is a positive body transformation brought about by your commitment to living a healthy lifestyle. It is no secret that many people suffer from the ill effects of inadequate nutrition and excess weight. We can point at a hundred different reasons that we ended up here, but the truth is that we did it to ourselve.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 9303

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Sample text:


Slow Cooked Food is Bland - Long, slow cooking using wet heat can mute the flavors of herbs, but that is easily fixed by adding more of the herbs just before serving. Slow cooked foods are more flavorful than foods cooked on the stovetop since there is no evaporation of volatile compounds. 

Slow Cookers are only good for certain kind of foods - Your slow cooker can make lasagna, mashed potatoes, beans, grains, breakfast cereals, bread puddings and even cheesecakes. 
Slow Cookers overcook vegetables - The key to cooking perfectly tender vegetables is layering. Tough root vegetables should be prepped into even cuts and placed at the bottom. More tender veggies such as corn and peas should be at the top.
Slow Cooked food is watery and thin - Do not add more liquid to your slow cooker than the recipe specifies. There is no evaporation during cooking, and the ingredients give off liquid as they cook. 
Slow cookers don’t cook food evenly - Again, layering is essential for even cooking. Tough vegetables belong at the bottom; followed by meats, then tender vegetables on top. And make sure vegetables and fruits with the same texture are cut to the same size, so they cook evenly.

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