Conquering Your Stress and Fears: A treatment guide for anxiety and Trauma-related disorders by Gustavo Kinrys M.D

A quick consult style book for individuals who prefer to try a natural or alternative solution prior to pursuing conventional treatments such as medications.

Conquering your stress and fears: a treatment guide for anxiety and trauma-related disorders

When one realizes that anxiety, stress and even fear permeate every aspect of your life, your next thought is likely to be how to get rid of these all-encompassing feelings. How can you reclaim those precious minutes of your life and become truly at peace with your mind? Conquering Your Stress and Fears by Dr. Gustavo Kinrys, M.D. quickly and easily guides you through the various options for tackling these feelings naturally, before you turn to conventional medications and treatments. From the nuances of supplemental approaches such as herbs or vitamins, mindfulness meditation and even emergent technologies, Dr. Kinrys’s guide tells you what you need to know about usage and dosing, providing detailed instructions in an easy to approach and practical guide to get you on the path to wellness.

Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Healthy Living

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Herbal Medications

Language: English

Keywords: Stress, Anxiety, natural, remedies, self

Word Count: 28,500

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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Manuela Cuccu
Translation in progress. Translated by Cynthia Guilhon
Already translated. Translated by Ana María Skarmeta Bustos

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