Catholic - Best Prayer Habits by Victor John Lao

A Prayer Guide for Catholics

Catholic - best prayer habits

Catholic - Best Prayer Habits

In This Book for Catholics, faithful catholics will learn the basics of prayer and the proper habits of praying. It is a great guide to those who are seeking inspiration and information about the prayer life.

Genre: RELIGION / Christianity / General

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / General

Language: English

Keywords: prayer, guide, habits, prayerhabits, christianity, spirituality, religion, god, jesus

Word Count: 11,000

Sales info:

It has been downloaded over 80 times within a few months and currently being downloaded.

Sample text:

There are habits we need to consider when praying. For it is in those habits we are able to determine if our prayers are effectively done and not about when will it become effective in a way that we are concerned if it will work or not? There are habits we need consider applying in our prayer routine and bad habits to avoid. Prayer is an essential part of the Christian faith and it is just one of the ways we can practice our beliefs. We talk with God and put ourselves in his divine presence that can only be accepted through faith with an open mind and a pure heart. Yet there a things to consider when we pray and how we pray. The mood, gestures, posture and way of speaking are things that need to be observed while we pray. There is a way to have the best prayer habit in our daily lives and living as truly devoted and obedient Christians.


A community of the faithful should have prayer as their source of inspiration and motivation. So that their faith truly draws from God’s living word both in scripture, rituals and traditions. We need to be in communion with the Lord as his one mystical body which is the church and prayer is what gives it life. Prayer is not just a form of Communication with God but also a unifying medium to gather all Christians into one voice and faith.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Kimberley Scoglio Riley
Author review:
The Translated Manuscript is perfectly written, she was able to patiently continue the work by editing, rewriting and translating. Filling in where I was lacking and all the time it took was worth it. She communicates fairly on time and very clear on her needs.
Already translated. Translated by Mariana Maia
Author review:
Everything went good. Nice translation. I recommend this translator.
Already translated. Translated by Emily Gil Brodka
Author review:
The Translation is of Good Quality and I do recommend this translator to Author's who want their Book translated from English to Spanish. Really waited for the resulting translation and It turned out well written.

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