Body Language: Master Human Psychology by Reading and How to Use It Effectively by Phoebe Corballis

(39b) Master Human Psychology by Reading and How to Use It Effectively

Body language: master human psychology by reading and how to use it effectively


The book shows you how to improve your social skills by watching out for the non-verbal signals. It teaches you about the importance of pacing, body postures, voice, and even breathing, while conversing with others. It reveals the secret of the SEVEN BODY CUES, and how they can improve your social skills.


There are many form of communication and sometimes a person’s body language can actually indicate more things than the spoken word. Learning to understand body language can be very beneficial both in the work environment as well as on a more personal front. Body language reveals personal feelings and reactions to other people’s feelings. However is has yet to be proven to be a science form and is not a real indicator to anything as it can be and is often manipulated.


The book shows you how to improve your social skills by watching out for the non-verbal signals. It teaches you about the importance of pacing, body postures, voice, and even breathing, while conversing with others. It reveals the secret of the SEVEN BODY CUES, and how they can improve your social skills.

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Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: Psychology, personality, relationship, body language, body language secrets, body language training, how to analyze people, NLP and Persuasion for Manipulation, Influence

Word Count: 8139

Sales info:

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Maximum but not limited to - 60 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $126 per month

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Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.


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Sample text:

Sometimes you're in the middle of a conversation with someone and you have the sinking feeling that person would rather be anywhere but standing there talking to you. What's probably happening is you're subconsciously picking up on the person's body language. From here on out, you're not going to have to guess about it.

If the person's head is facing you, but her body is facing another direction, this indicates the person wants to go in the direction her body is facing. While her mannerisms may be polite and she may even be smiling, her mind is somewhere else. If the person you're talking to has her feet pointing toward an exit, it means they want to leave.

When you see two people talking and are thinking about joining the conversation, check their body position to see if you'll be a welcome addition or an unwanted intruder. If the people are standing so their bodies form a 90 degree angle, you're more than welcome to jump in. On the other hand, if the same two people are directly facing one another, this is a sign of a private conversation that they don't want anyone else involved in.

After joining a conversation, watch the way the rest of the people in the group orient themselves. If the people orient themselves so the three of you form a triangle, you've been welcomed in. If they don't readjust their positions and only turn their heads, you're an intruder and they don't want to include you in the group.

People who are directly facing each other and are displaying signs of hostility like rapid arm movements and furrowed brows, these people are "squaring off" and are in the midst of a verbal confrontation. If one of them invades the intimate space of the other during this type of confrontation, a fight may ensue. It's time to either step in and defuse the situation or get the heck out of the way.

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