Body Language: Learn other's Feeling And Saying of their body language by Jennifer Wendler

People lie, but there is one thing that never lies, their body.

Body language: learn other's feeling and saying of their body language


Our body language is one of the most important factors that determine who we are. Even if we don't say anything, our body is capable of transmitting the messages that we want to come across another person.

Would you like to be someone who can read these body languages accurately? Would you like to be a master at deciphering simple movements made by another person? Would it excite you to know what a person means simply by using his body to communicate?

You'll be happy you bought this book a year from now as you learn an in-depth insight into how to read body language to decipher the hidden agenda of any dialogue or interaction. But also how you could use it yourself and when to do it. Mastering the skills in this book will enhance your relationships with your spouse, partner or family members, it could even further your career by helping you to ace that interview or even help you to build a great rapport with your work colleagues or boss.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: Psychology, personality, relationship, body language, body language secrets, body language training, how to analyze people, NLP and Persuasion for Manipulation, Influence, Communication, communication skills, effective communication

Word Count: 8764

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Sample text:

Reliable Muscle Patterns: The reliable muscle patterns are the third indication for you to gauge if someone is lying or not.  Some facial muscles are easy to control like eyebrows, but reliable muscles are not easy to control. The eye orbiting muscle, which tightens the eyelids and creates crow’s-feet at the outer corners of the eye, is really difficult to move deliberately into a perfect “smile position.” As a rule, only genuine happiness in a person can produce a genuine smile.  A person’s face should be engaged when he smiles. If you are judging a smile’s sincerity, look at the combination of pulled-up lip corners, pulled-in lips and tensed cheek muscles. If you don’t spot crow’s feet around the eyes as well, odds are it’s a fake smile.  If you want to know a person is genuinely sorry or grieving, the motionless chin and pulled-down lips are the signs of a reliable muscle pattern to indicate that. Careful study of the entire face is crucial when spotting deception.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Paola Lapenna
Already translated. Translated by Fernanda Barriga Vega

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