Body Language: Illustrated guide to understand non-verbal communication by Joe Paige

You need to know whether people care about what you do and/or say.

Body language: illustrated guide to understand non-verbal communication


When we talk we say very little because it's our body that does the real talking! We express so much more subconsciously through our physical behavior, body posture, gestures, eye movement, facial expressions, touch and the use of space. So why not learn how to use this to YOUR advantage? 
Body Language 101 is a powerful tool that you can use in every aspect of your life. This book will give you an in depth insight into how to read body language to decipher the hidden agenda of any dialogue or interaction. Mastering the skills in this book will enhance your relationships with your spouse, partner or family members, it could even further your career by helping you to ace that interview or even help you to build a great rapport with your work colleagues or boss.

By practicing these principles, you will be able to improve many aspects of your life like your relationships, your career and your general social life.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Language: English

Keywords: Psychology, personality, relationship, body language, body language secrets, body language training, how to analyze people, NLP and Persuasion for Manipulation, Influence, Communication, communication skills, effective communication

Word Count: 7791

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Sample text:

Sometimes, you may not be aware that people are ascribing meanings to what you are doing or how you appear. Nixon thought he could appear at the debate looking how he wanted as long as he had a well-prepared speech and tricks up his sleeves to tackle his opponent.

Unfortunately, what he considered least important was what the audience decided to focus on – they saw an image of someone who was nonchalant and unprepared and anything he had to say did not really matter.

The average human being is smarter than most of us think and is able to observe others and read meanings to their actions and appearances. That is why you can sometimes look at someone and decide that you do not like him or her without having any prior interaction with the person: the person’s body language was probably sending you signals – signals you considered unpleasant.

But why is body language so important anyway? Let’s discuss that in detail:

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