Body Language: How to Recognize Vital Signs in Every Situation by Charles Delfino

Master The Art Of Body Language!

Body language: how to recognize vital signs in every situation


You don't notice the existence of human body shadow most of the time. You don't know what happens to it when you go to sleep. It doesn't matter where you’re, what you’re doing, your shadow will go and do the same. 

Body Language is a powerful tool that you can use in every aspect of your life. This book will give you an in depth insight into how to read body language to decipher the hidden agenda of any dialogue or interaction. But also how you could use it yourself and when to do it. Mastering the skills in this book will enhance your relationships with your spouse, partner or family members, it could even further your career by helping you to ace that interview or even help you to build a great rapport with your work colleagues or boss. 

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: Psychology, personality, relationship, body language, body language secrets, body language training, how to analyze people, NLP and Persuasion for Manipulation, Influence, Communication, communication skills, effective communication

Word Count: 15096

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Sample text:

The truth about body language is that it is extremely more honest and more influential than words. By learning how to understand and control body language, you gain the ability to read people accurately and lead them in whatever way you choose.

Communication involves more than just exchanging words. In fact, only 7% of communication is verbal and the rest is non-verbal. Of the 93%, 55% is body language and 38% from the tone of your voice. This should serve as a reminder for you to pay attention, not only to what you’re saying, but also to what your entire body is projecting.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Talita Ferreira
Already translated. Translated by Verónica Macrina

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