At Second Sight by Bonnie Taylor

Paranormal fiction novel

At second sight

At Second Sight is the second full length novel in the Not Forgotten series.

At Second Sight brings paranormal romance, mystery, and folklore together in a unique and compelling tale.

Young psychic genius Thomas Lynch ventures away from his paranormal investigation team to work with law enforcement on a case involving a missing coed. When Thomas finds himself entangled in a conflict with strange entities he calls upon his friends David Dean and Jimmy Redbush for help. As this gripping tale develops, the worlds of humans, spirits, mythology, and environmental conscience intertwine with an intricacy that leaves no doubt that everything in our universe is somehow connected though not always working harmoniously.

In keeping with the first book in the Not Forgotten series, this story delves impressively in to the emotional struggles faced by young psychics as they become familiar with their unique gifts and their desire to find beneficial uses for them. 

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Paranormal

Language: English

Keywords: paranormal fiction, fantasy , thriller

Word Count: 49.060

Sales info:

Amazon Sales Rank:

# 2218 in Thriller and Suspense: Supernatural: Psychics

# 4934 in Thriller and Suspense: Supernatural: Ghosts

# 12,556 in Thriller and Suspense: Suspense: Paranormal

Sample text:

Thomas wanted to see more. He knew the only way to truly solve this mystery was to see how Katie died but there was another part that didn’t think he could bear it. Dead or alive, she could be his dream girl and who wants to watch harm come to their dream girl? Knowing that it already happened and would simply be shown to you like a newsreel wouldn’t make it better, would it? These thoughts rolled around his head like damp towels in a dryer occasionally crashing in to the walls with an uncomfortable thump. Sleep was the only remedy for this awkward line of thinking. The fog just needed to lift so he could inventory the events and entities in his vision because whatever they were, they were still out there and one of them, the Bear Willow? That one was looking for him.

Bronson, on the other hand, was sitting in the only real diner in town. Diane’s Place served good old fashioned home cooking with no worries about cholesterol, calories, or fat content and that was just fine with him. He was seated behind a heaping plate of meatloaf and mashed potatoes and his green beans were soaked in bacon grease. He would wash it all down with a beer or three and once it had a chance to settle, he would send some homemade rice pudding and strong coffee down to complete the meal.  Bronson believed his mother when she told him that comfort food was good for the soul and he was growing the midsection to prove it. 

He thought about Thomas and his trance like wanderings through the marshes today. For Bronson, that was scary because it was real. It stood to reason that if people like Thomas were capable of walking among us then other, more frightening things just might be here too and he had no idea how he would arrest a ghost, vampire, or werewolf. 



Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Mauro Roma
Already translated. Translated by Raquel Tejedor Alonso

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
