Anxiety: Beat Nervousness, Anxiety, Stress And Depression In A Month With Amazing Meditation by Angela Hendon

Beat Nervousness, Anxiety, Stress And Depression In A Month With Amazing Meditation

Anxiety: beat nervousness, anxiety, stress and depression in a month with amazing meditation


Through a series of easy self-help exercises, the book illustrates the simple ways we can regulate the vagus nerve in order to initiate deep relaxation, improve sleep, and recover from injury and trauma. Additionally, by exploring the link between a well-regulated vagus nerve and social functioning, Rosenberg’s findings and methods offer new hope that by improving social behavior it is possible to alleviate some of the symptoms at the core of many cases of autism spectrum disorders. Useful for psychotherapists, doctors, bodyworkers, and caregivers, as well as anyone who experiences the symptoms of chronic stress and depression, this book shows how we can optimize autonomic functioning in ourselves and others, and bring the body into the state of safety that activates its innate capacity to heal.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: Reduce Stress, Stress Relief, Relieve Stress, Stop Stress, Stress Management Techniques, Stress Management, Stress and Anxiety, stress management, stress management guide, how to reduce stress, cope with stress, stress free, stress management for life, stress management tips, stress management at work, stress relief, stress, stress kindle, stress of life, stress book, stress and anxiety, stress management book, stress care, stress analysis, reduce stress, anxiety self help, NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP Techniques, Confidence, Success, NLP for Beginners, Depression Cure, NLP, Brain, Attract Money, Attract Money now, more money, law of attraction lottery, NLP books, the secret, NLP techniques, nlp for beginners, nlp neuro linguistic programming, nlp for dummies, nlp sales, nlp the new technology of achievement

Word Count: 11295

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Sample text:

Eloise suffered terrible bouts of panic. These would come on at no specific time of the day, but what she did learn was that they passed relatively quickly. If you have panic attacks of this nature, you need to feed yourself reassurance. Find out what helps them to diminish. In her case, she would be out in the car and suddenly not know where she was. It was very frightening for her. She would pull the car in to the side of the road and then sit it out, reading a book or trying to concentrate on listening to music. In her particular case, it turned out to be a combination of things that were causing the panic. A trapped nerve in the back of her neck and crystals in her inner ear were throwing her senses. With the right treatment, she was able to get beyond this terrible period in her life.


“I thought I was going mad. I even said to someone who was in the car that I didn’t know where I was and they were concerned. I would stop at a junction and find that I could not turn my head and the panic that overtook me left me worrying about whether I should be driving or whether I could cause an accident. The association with the ear was found by keeping a note of what things triggered the worst feelings and it appeared to be the turning of the head.”

Eloise suffered terrible bouts of panic. These would come on at no specific time of the day, but what she did learn was that they passed relatively quickly. If you have panic attacks of this nature, you need to feed yourself reassurance. Find out what helps them to diminish. In her case, she would be out in the car and suddenly not know where she was. It was very frightening for her. She would pull the car in to the side of the road and then sit it out, reading a book or trying to concentrate on listening to music.

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